Partial Description of the IEEE Common Data Format for the
Exchange of Solved Load Flow Data The complete description can be found in the
"Common Data Format for the Exchange of Solved Load Flow
Working Group on a Common Format for the Exchange of Solved Load
Flow Data, _IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems_, Vol. PAS-92, No.
6,November/December 1973, pp. 1916- 5
The data file has lines of up to 128 characters.
The lines are grouped into sections with section headers.
Data items are entered in specific columns. No blank items are
allowed, enter zeros instead. Floating point items should have explicit decimal
point. No implicit decimal points are used.
Data type codes:
A - Alphanumeric (no special characters>
I - Integer
F - Floating point * - Mandatory item
Title Data
First card in file.
Columns 2- 9 Date, in format DD/MM/YY with leading zeros. If no
provided, use 0b/0b/0b where b is blank.
Columns 11-30 Originator's name (A>
Columns 32-37 MVA Base (F*>
Columns 39-42 Year (I>
Column 44 Season (S - Summer, W - Winter>
Column 46-73 Case identification (A>
Bus Data * ========== Section start card *:
Columns 1-16 BUS DATA FOLLOWS (not clear that any more than BUS
in 1-3 is significant> *
Columns ?- ? NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear, I would not count on
Bus data cards
*Columns 1- 4 Bus number (I>
*Columns 7-17 Name (A> (left justify>
*Columns 19-20 Load flow area number (I> Don't use zero!
*Columns 21-23 Loss zone number (I>
*Columns 25-26 Type (I>
* 0 - Unregulated (load, PQ>
1 - Hold MVAR generation within voltage limits, (PQ>
2 - Hold voltage within VAR limits (gen, PV>
3 - Hold voltage and angle (swing, V-Theta> (must always
have one>
*Columns 28-33 Final voltage, p.u. (F>
*Columns 34-40 Final angle, degrees (F>
*Columns 41-49 Load MW (F>
*Columns 50-59 Load MVAR (F>
*Columns 60-67 Generation MW (F>
*Columns 68-75 Generation MVAR (F>
*Columns 77-83 Base KV (F>
*Columns 85-90 Desired volts (pu> (F> (This is desired
remote voltage if this bus is
controlling another bus.
*Columns 91-98 Maximum MVAR or voltage limit (F>
*Columns 99-106 Minimum MVAR or voltage limit (F> *Columns
107-114 Shunt conductance G (per unit> (F> *Columns 115-122 Shunt
susceptance B (per unit> (F> * *Columns 124-127 Remote controlled bus
Section end card:
Columns 1- -
Branch Data
Section start card *:
Columns 1-16 BRANCH DATA FOLLOWS (not clear that any more than
BRANCH is significant> *
Columns 40?- ? NNNNN ITEMS (column not clear, I would not count
on this> Branch data cards *:
Columns 1- 4 Tap bus number (I> *
For transformers or phase shifters, the side of the model the
non-unity tap is on
Columns 6- 9 Z bus number (I> *
For transformers and phase shifters, the side of the model the
device impedance is on.
Columns 11- Load flow area (I>
Columns 13-14 Loss zone (I>
Column 17 Circuit (I> * (Use 1 for single lines>