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La défense des intérêts américains en Iran par le discours idéaliste, de 1945 à 1954( Télécharger le fichier original )par Mickaël, Milad Jokar Université Caen Basse Normandie - Master 2011 |
Annexe 4 :MUTUAL DEFENSE ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1949 An act [H.R. 5895] To promote the foreign policy and provide for the defense and general welfare of the United States by furnishing military assistance to foreign nations.228 Title III Sec. 301. The President, whenever the furnishing of such assistance will further the purposes and policies of this Act, is authorized to furnish military assistance as provided in this Act to Iran, the Republic of Korean and the Republic of Philippines. Sec.302. There are hereby authorized to be approved to the President for the period through June 30, 1950, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for carrying out the provisions and accomplishing the purposes of section 301, not to exceed $27,640,000. Source : Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by the Staff of the Committee and the Department of State, A Decade of American Foreign Policy: Basic Documents 1941-49 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1950) pp.1358, 1359. Department of State, American Foreign Policy, Basic Documents, 1950-1955, Volume II, (New York, Arno Press, 1971) Annexe 5 :Countries Having Entered Into Arrangements For Grant Military Aid Under The Mutual Security Program: Map, December 31, 1955 Source: Ninth Semiannual Report to Congress on the Mutual Security Program for the six months ended December 31, 1955 (1956), p.12. Op. Cit. Department of State, American Foreign Policy, Basic Documents, 1950-1955, Volume II, p.3156 228 Public Law 329, 81st Cong., 1st sess. Consommation énergétique par ressource, 1635-2000 (en quadrillion de Btu) Source : Energy Information Administration, History of Energy in the United States, 1635-2000, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/eh/frame.html Annexe 7 :President Truman's Remarks to W. Averell Harriman Before His Departure on a Mission to Iran. July 13, 1951 THE PRESIDENT. I want to express to you my appreciation for your willingness to undertake this trip to Iran. It is a very important job that you have undertaken, and one which I think you can handle with satisfaction and success. All of us want to wish you a pleasant trip, and I hope that you will express to the Iranian Government that our interest is the interest of world peace, and the welfare of Iran and the rest of the world. We have no selfish interest in the matter whatever. Source: American Presidency Project: www.presidency.ucsb.edu http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=13838&st=&st1=#ixzz1NsZgtsNZ President Truman's News Conference August 23, 1951 [...] [Reading] "I have been most disappointed to learn of the suspension of the negotiations in Tehran between the British delegation and the Iranian Government, which we had hoped would lead to a settlement of the Iranian oil question. "Since these conversations have been suspended rather than completely broken off, it remains my hope that a solution will eventually be found agreeable to both parties. It has been clear during the course of negotiations that both Iran and Great Britain sincerely desire a settlement, and in view of this fact I am confident that an arrangement can ultimately be worked out. "Mr. Harriman has worked long and tirelessly in an effort to bring the parties together, and to set the stage for a settlement, and his activities have had my complete support. His letter to Prime Minister Mosadeq of August 21 summarizes very clearly the American point of view on the steps which led to the suspension of the conversations and the views that Mr. Harriman put forward reflect my own and the State Department's." Source: the American Presidency Project: www.presidency.ucsb.edu http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=13889&st=&st1=#ixzz1NsbKh7pR Source : Department of State, American Foreign Policy, Basics documents, 1950-1955, Volume II, pp.2261-2 Source : Department of State, American Foreign Policy, Basics documents, 1950-1955, Volume II, p.2263 Extrait de l'article 36 [paragraphe 40] du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations dans le conflit entre l'Iran et la Grande Bretagne At the 560th meeting on 15 October 1951, after the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company staff had been expelled from Iran, the representative of the United Kingdom submitted a draft resolution 8_6/ declaring that a dispute existed, the continuance of which vas likely to threaten the maintenance of international peace and security, and calling for the resumption of negotiations to resolve differences in accordance with the principles of the provisional measures handed down by the Court. Discussion on the draft resolution gave rise to the question whether the dispute was one in respect of which the Council might make recommendations under Article 36. Source : Art. 36, Repertory, vol. II (1945-1954) p.286 http://untreaty.un.org/cod/repertory/art36/english/reporigvol2-art36e.pdf 103 104 106 State Department, "Measures which the United States Government Might Take in Support of a Successor Government to Mossadeq," Top Secret Memorandum, March 1953. Source: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Record Group 59, Records of the Officer-in-charge of Iranian Affairs, 1946-1954, Lot 57D529, Box 40, Folder: Policy. http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB126/iran530300.pdf |