During this dissertation we have described how can be valuated
an ESO. Risk-aversion, vesting period and job termination risk have been
incorporated in the models in order to describe accurately the behaviour of the
ESO holder.
From the Fundamental Investment Problem to the Leung &
Sircar model we have defined what can be the optimal portfolio choice of an
Executive endowed by one unit of ESO. But by the tractability argument we have
restricted this analysis to the case of exponential utility. A general case can
outperform our approach however the case of power utility could been seen in
the literature.
The case of multiple ESO has not been seen during this
dissertation while it is a huge intensive research area. The paper of Leung
& Sircar dedicates a part on this case. It can be said that contrary to the
standard American option theory, the ESO's exercising is not made
simultaneously but through multiple blocks depending on different critical
price level.
Also, discrete models such that Hull & White (2004) which
is one of the most popular models have not been discussed here. The Hull &
White model is a compliance valuation method according to the US Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 123 standard. They propose a modified
binomial tree method to estimate the value of ESOs and assumed that a vested
option is exercised whenever the stock price hits a certain constant barrier,
or when the option reaches maturity. As the Cvitanic, Wiener and Zapatero
(2004) model seen here the exact value of the barrier is left as a free
parameter but in continuous time.
This dissertation have described the main aspects of the ESO
valuation methods and showed that B & S model is not fit to price a such
exotic option.
In reality, hedging and trading constraints are imposed to the
ESO holder. We have seen that with an undiversified portfolio and
risk-aversion, the rational Executive have to exercise her option early. That
explain what can be seen empirically.
But other extensions can be exposed such that the case of
stochastic volatility. We can thought that the Executive can influence the
stock price only on the stock price volatility. This problem can be linked to
the standard Principal-Agent problem where for the Executive making an effort
is costly. Thus solving the standard Principal-Agent allows to find an optimal
choice for her where the effort can be focused on the stock price volatility.
This approach could reveal the trade-off between minimizing costly effort and
maximizing the ESO value.
So we can assess the huge field of the ESO valuation methods
which cannot definitely be summarized in this dissertation and which will be
most probably an extensive research area for the next years.
A Proofs
A.1 Proof (1):
A utiliy function belong in the Hara class if T(x) =-Uxx(x)
Ux(x) = 1
á+âx,?x E D(x) and 3 E R+.
There are 2 cases:
1. If 3 = 0 then > 0;
2. If3>0then ER. Where U x(x) = dU(x) dx
and Uxx(x) = d2U(x)
dx2and D(x) is the interval on which the utility
function U is
'y2 e-ãx.
For U(x) = -e-ãx with 'y> 0, we
get Ux(x) = 'ye-ãx and
Uxx(x) = -
Then T(x) =?(?ã2e-ãx)
ãe-ãx = 'y
therefore T(x) = 1
ã +0with = 1 ã >0 and 3 = 0.
Since 3 = 0 we get D(x) = R and U is finite valued for all x.

Thanks to Arrow and Pratt we know the economics interpretation of
T(x) as the coefficient of absolute risk aversion which in our case is constant
and positive.
A.2 Proof General Investment Problem(17): Proof: Given (P):
? ??
I(t,X) = sup
dXè u = {9u(u - r) + rX} du + 9uódW u
E [U(XT = -e?ãXT | Xt = x]
To solve this problem we are using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
method. 1st step: Write the Hamiltonian of the system (P):
H(u,p,q) = p{9u(u-r)+rX}+ 1
2q(9uó)2 (76)
Then we maximize H under Èt,T:
H* = max H
?H ?è |è=è* = 0 if q < 0 by
concavity assumption
p(u - r) + qó29* = 0 if q < 0 by
concavity assumption
9* = -p
ó2 if q < 0 by concavity assumption
Then we deduce H*:
H* = prX - p2 q ((u-r
ó )2 + q 2ó2(-p q )2(u-r
ó )2 if q < 0 by concavity assumption
H* = prX - 1 p2 q (u-r
ó )2 if q < 0 by concavity assumption
2st step: Then we can write now the HJB of the system (P):
????? ?
????? Where ?I
I(T, X) = U(XT) = -e?ãXT (Terminal Condition)
?u + H*( ?I
?I ?X , ?2I
?u = Iu and ?I
?X2 , u) = 0
?X = IX = p, ?2I
?X2 = IXX = q (77)
3rd step: We assume that I(u,X) has the following form:
I(u, X) = --e-a(u)7X+â(u) (78)
with the following boundary constraints:
f á(T) = 1
1 0(T) = 0
4th step: We solve the HJB system:
{ Iu = --(--ÿáãX +
IX = --(--á(u)ã)e
IXX = --(--á(u)ã)2 e-a(u)7X+â(u)
And the HJB is written as:
,a_.,2e-2(árã X +â)
(ÿárãX --
árãe-a7X+â)rX 7) (p-n2
2(a7re-áãX-Ef3 0
?ÿáã X -- 0ÿ+
áãr X + 21 (u;r
)2 = 0
By divided all members of the equation by
e?a7X+â which is non negative on IR. So we have the following
{ {
ÿáãX + áãrX = 0
-- 0ÿ= 0
+ 2 ( ó
á(T) = 1 boundary condition
0(T) = 0 boundary condition
áÿ = --ár
0ÿ= 12(u-r
á(T) = 1 boundary condition
0(T) = 0 boundary condition
á(u) = er(T-u)
= (T--u) ( u-r
2 ó )2
I(u, X) = --e-7xer(T-.)e- (T2.) (
m-ró)2 (79)
5th step: We deduce è* the optimal trading
è* u
= --
u-- r ó2
u-- r ó2
= á(u1)ã
u-- r ó2
(u-- r) = e
-r(T-u) (80)
I(u, X, S) = sup sup
ô ?T.,T et,.
= sup sup
ô?T.,T et,.
1Y [I(ô, Xô + (Sô --
K)+) | Xu = X, Su = s
1P[--e-7(Xô+(Sô-K)+)er(--)em-ró,2 I ) I
Xu = X,Su = s

A.3 Proof proposition (4.4)
The Private Price satisfies the following variational
{ }
-pt - Lp + rp + 1
min 2'y(1 - ñ2 )ç2s2er(T
-t)p 2 s + 'y À
(e?ã(s-K)+er(T -t)eãper(T -t) -
1), p - (s - K)+= 0
Let p1(t, s) and p2(t, s) be the indifference prices associated
with À1 and À2 respectively.
Since the coefficient of À is non-negative, the left-hand
side is non-decreasing with À. Then, substituting p2 (t, s) into the
variational inequality for p1 (t, s) will render the left-hand side less than
or equal to zero. Therefore, p2 (t, s) is a subsolution to the variational
inequality for p1 (t, s), so p2 (t, s) < p1 (t, s). We conclude from (58)
that the optimal exercise time corresponding to À1 is longer than or
equal to that corresponding to À2, which implies that the
utility-maximizing boundary corresponding to À1 dominates that
corresponding to À2.

A.4 Proof proposition (4.5)
We consider the variational inequality in the previous
proposition (82). The p2 s term is non-decreasing with 'y. Differentiating the
nonlinear term with respect to 'y, we get:
nÀ 1 + ö(t,s)eö(t,s) -
eö(t,s)} = 0
With ö(t, s) := 'y(p(t, s) - (s -
K+))er(T-t) = 0.Hence, the nonlinear term is
also non-decreasing with 'y. By comparison principle, this implies the
indifference price p is non-increasing with 'y. The second assertion follows
from the characterization of the optimal exercise time see equation
A.5 Proof proposition (4.6)
We consider the variational inequality 82. Since á >
0 and ps = 0, the ps term is non-decreasing in ñ.
Therefore, p+ is a subsolution to the variational inequality for p-, so p+
<p-. The last statement in the proposition follows from (58) and that p- =

A.6 Proof proposition (4.7)
When the hedging instrument has a positive Sharpe ratio, the
employee would prefer a negative correlation than a positive one. As the
correlation becomes even more negative, the employee can hedge more
risk away. Consequently, the employees indifference price increases and he
tends to wait longer before exercise.
A.7 Proof proposition (5.5)
This proof have been stated by Leung & Sircar. We first
consider the value of a vested ESO. Define the operator L1 such that:
L1C1 = Ct + (r - q)sCs + ç2 2 sCss -
(r + À)C + À(s - K)+
Let À1,À2 be the intensity levels such
that 0 < À1 < À2. Let Ci(t, s) and ô* i be the cost
of a vested ESO and optimal exercise time corresponding to Ài?i E {1,
By the Partial Differential Equation of the vested ESO
equation(70), we have:
L1C1 = 0. Due to the Q-submartingale property of
{ers(Ss - K)+}s=0 we have Ci(t, s) = (s - K)+.
Consequently, direct substitution shows that L2C2 = 0.
Next, we apply Itos formula to the function:
Z t
V (t, St) = e(r+ë1)tC2(t, St) +
e-(r+ë1)sÀ1(Ss - K)+ds
Then due to L2C2 = 0 and from the proposition (1.2) , the
following holds for any ô = t:
E t,s [V(ô, Sô)] = V(t, St)

In particular, we take r = r* 2 < r* 1then we
" Z ô*
C2(t, s) < EQ e(r+ë1)(ô* 2 _t)C2(r*
2 , Sô* 2 ) +
e_(r+ë1)(s_t)ë1(Ss - K)+ds
= EQ e_r(ô* 2 ?ôÀ1
_t)(Sô* 2 ?ôÀ1 - K)+] t,s
< EQ e_r(ô* 1
?ôÀ1_t)(S ô* 1 ?ôÀ1 - K)+] t,s
< C1(t,s)

A.8 Proof proposition (5.6)
Let 0 < a < b < T. Denote by r* a , r* b the
employees exercise time when the vesting periods are a and b years
respectively. Then, we have r * a <r * b < T. Since the discounted payoff
process {ers(Ss - K)+}s=0 is a Q-submartingale it follows
from proposition (1.2) that:
h h e_r(T _t)(ST _K)+]
EQ e_r(ô* a _t)(Sô*
a _K)+] b _K)+] h
< EQ e_r(ô* b _t)(Sô* <
t,s t,s t,s