ValUatIOn methOdS Of
MasteR II
Financial maRkets and
Pomiès Ismaïl
SupeRvisoR: PR. Villeneuve Stéphane
To my wife
ValUatIOn methOdS Of
This dissertation develops the main things in continuous time
utility-based models for valuing ESO. The first part will be devoted to
exposing some useful technical tools from the basics of stochastic calculus to
the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure concepts including some economic key
concepts. The second part will deal with the general investment model developed
by Merton (1969). The result coming from this model will allow us to give a
general framework for valuing an ESO which will be the subject of the third
part. By using some statistical tools and a polynomial approximation we will
show that the Black & Scholes valuation is an upper bound to the ESO
fair-price when its holder is subject to risk-aversion and according to these
results we will discuss about the effects of parameters included in the model.
The fifths part part will exposed the Leung & Sircar approach (2006). This
sophisticated model will allow to value an ESO by taking into account the
vesting period and the job termination risk. And finally the firm's perspective
will be exposed by treating the firm's cost of issuing an ESO with several
models from a naive approach to a more sophisticated model while the parameters
effects will conclude dissertation.
Definitions and Theorems
Executive or Employee Stock Option: ESO
Stochastic calculus
1.3.1 Fundamental definitions
1.3.2 Itô and Feynman-Kac
1.3.3 Radon-Nikodym
1.3.4 Cameron-Martin and Girsanov
1.3.5 Minimale Entropy Martingale Measure
Analytical tools
1.4.1 Distortion
1.4.2 Pertubation expansion
Economics concepts
Model for Executive's Stock Option valuation
The Economy
Assets Price
The Executive's Investment Problem: EIP
2.3.1 General results for the EIP
The Executive's Optimal Exercise Policy: the general approach
utility-based pricing
3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 The general form of the EIP with 1 unit of ESO
3.1.3 Private Price of 1 unit of ESO
3.1.4 The Partial Differential Equation of the Private Price
The Private Price and its Black & Scholes counterpart
3.2.1 Skewness and Kurtosis
3.2.2 The perturbative expansion
The optimal trading strategy
The effects of the parameters
3.4.1 The Private Price
3.4.2 The Optimal Trading Strategy
3.4.3 Incentives effect or ESO delta
3.4.4 The effect of risk-aversion
3.4.5 The effect of correlation
The Executive's Optimal Exercise Policy: Leung & Sircar
Approach (2006)
4.1.1 The job termination risk and exercise window
Optimization method
4.2.1 The Executive's Exercise Boundary
4.2.2 A Partial Differential Equation for the Private Price
4.2.3 The optimal trading strategy
The effects of parameters
4.3.1 The effect of Job Termination risk
4.3.2 The effect of risk-aversion
4.3.3 The correlation effect
ESO cost to the firm
General model for the ESO cost to the firm
The naive approach
The ESO cost to the firm with no vesting period and no job
termination risk - Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004)
An Intensity based model for the firm's cost - Ctivanic, Wiener
and Zapatero (2004) . . .
5.5 ESO cost to the firm with optimal exercise level and job
termination risk - Ctivanic, Wiener
and Zapatero (2004) 35
5.6 ESO cost to the firm: Leung & Sircar (2006) 36
5.7 The effects of parameters 37
5.7.1 The job termination risk intensity 38
5.7.2 The vesting period 38
A Proofs 40
A.1 Proof (1): 40
A.2 Proof General Investment Problem(17): 40
A.3 Proof proposition (4.4) 42
A.4 Proof proposition (4.5) 42
A.5 Proof proposition (4.6) 42
A.6 Proof proposition (4.7) 42
A.7 Proof proposition (5.5) 42
A.8 Proof proposition (5.6) 43
This dissertation deals with the evaluation methods of
Executive Stock Option (ESO) in continuous time. Executive or Employee Stock
Option are call options granted by firm's shareholders to their Executives or
Employees as compensation in addition to salary. The ESO give the right but not
the obligation to buy a number of shares of the underlying company's stock at a
predetermined price (strike) and period of time (from the end of vesting period
to maturity).
From agency problem point of view, this compensation program
allows to add and align incentives to their holders with those of the
shareholders. Indeed, there are a lot of situations in which Executive has to
take a risk in firm's projects and could have a more conservative or more
agressive choice than the one choose by the shareholders. Thus via the ESO
program, their holders have an incentive to act as a shareholder: the implied
assumption is that the ESO holder has an influence to the stock price.
The main issue is that the ESO cannot be priced by the standard
option pricing theory.
Indeed Black, Scholes and Merton in 1973 were the first ones
having defined a mathematical understanding of the options pricing but some of
main assumptions such that short selling the underlying stock and market
completeness do not work in the ESO framework. In the standard theory the call
option payoff can be replicated by a portfolio made up by risky and risk-free
But in the case of ESO, the holder is not allowed to trade her
company stock leading to an undiversified portfolio for the holder and thus to
be exposed to an unhedgeable risk. It result that an infinty of prices could be
derive for one derivative.
Empirically, it has been shown that B & S valuation failed to
price an ESO.
According to Huddart & Lang (1996), Marquardt (2002) and
others empirical studies, the majority of holders tend to exercise their
options early which is in contradiction with the prediction made by the B &
S model. These studies underline the suboptimal behaviour according to the B
& S theory. This suboptimal behaviour arises in fact with risk-aversion and
others constraints such that trading constraints and job termination risk.
By this assessment and the risk-aversion principle, we have to
develop a continuous time valuation theory based on indifference preferences
and to distinguish the ESO from plain vanilla options.
A utility-based valuation allow to find a unique fair-price by
taking into account the risk-aversion parameter. The indifference or private
price resulting from the model is not the same depending on the level of
risk-aversion parameter. That is why we can empirically found that two
Employees or Executives granted with the same ESO and whose the exercise time
is not the same.
The valuation method can be thought from the Executive's or the
firm's perspective.
When a company issues some ESO no trading constraints are
imposed and thus there is no unhedgeable risk. Intuitively, B & S valuation
method can be used since the shareholders of the company can be assumed as
risk-neutral and subsequently the cost of issuing an ESO is easily
Regarding the company side, this naive approach is not an
accurate way to valuate ESO, since it is does not care about the suboptimal
behaviour of the counterparty.
By adjusting the B & S-model and replace the option
expiration date by the expected time to exercise the Regulator wants to improve
the company pricing method into their report.
To summarize we have to find a cost model which integrates all
constraints imposed to the ESO holders in order to get the better price
possible. By deducing the critical level, which is the value-maximizing
exercise policy of the holder, and combining Vesting period, job termination
risk, trading and hedging constraints we have finaly the option cost.
This dissertation aspires to solve these main issues stated above
and will be presented as follows:
After having introduced the state of the art in the ESO valuation
method, the first part will be dedicated to some mathematical, statistical and
economics concepts which will intervene during the report.
The second part will treated about the fundamental investment
model derived from Merton (1969). This model will be useful since the ESO
pricing model are no more no less an enhanced Merton's problem. The third part
will give the general approach to deal with ESO.
Firstly we will focus on the optimization process and the
Private Price, then we will use a polynomial
approximation in order to
reveal the B & S price as a component of the Private Price formulation
discuss about the difference between them. It will be
presented also, the optimal trading strategy in the case of one ESO and we will
conclude this part by a discussion of the effects of the model parameters. The
fourth part will expose the Leung & Sircar's model for valuing an ESO from
the Executive's side. While the settings will be presented in the first
sub-section, the optimization method will be the subject of the second one.
Through the last one we will see how can be defined the Executive's Exercise
boundary and then how can we get the Private Price and its associated PDE. We
will conclude this sub-section by the optimal trading strategy statement.
Finally, the ESO cost from the firm's side will be tackled.
The first step will show the naive approach which is in fact
the B & S model. The second, third and fourth step will present the ESO
cost with respectively the following assumptions: the Executive's optimal
exercise boundary without vesting period and no job termination risk, the job
termination risk without the Executive's optimal exercise boundary and vesting
period: a risk-intensity model, and the Executive's optimal exercise boundary
with job termination risk and no vesting period. These models coming from the
paper written by Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004).
We will lead to the Leung & Sircar's model for valuing an
ESO from the firm's side. This one integrates all parameters such that job
termination risk, vesting period and Executive's optimal exercise boundary and
we will conclude this part by the parameters effects.
The state of the art
The huge use of ESO since the last two decades and the issue
on their valuation methods have led to growing literature on this topic. The
natural way to understand the problem is to take the similarities between
standard options and the ESO. The risk-neutral approach studied by Black,
Scholes and Merton in 1973 has been the first one to give formally a price to
plain vanilla options. One result is that the fully diversified and rational
option holder have to wait until maturity in the case of European option but
according to empirical studies such that Huddart & Lang (1996) or Bettis et
al. (2005) ESO holders tend to exercise their option early.
But the ESO case is different since its holders are not
allowed to fully diversified their risk. Rubinstein in 1995 stated the
dissimilarities between standard option and ESO.
An other way to find the value of this contract is to see it
as a lump-sum payment such that the ESO holder is indifferent between receiving
this payment or receiving the ESO payoff. The most representative of the
beginning of the certainty equivalence framework's theory for an ESO was
written by Richard A. Lambert. David F, Larker and Robert E. Verrecchia in
1991. They proposed a model of certainty equivalent price for valuing ESO from
the Executive's perspective and had pointed out that the valuation model have
to incorporate the level of the: risk aversion, diversification and Executive's
wealth. This model belong to continuous time models.
But an other class of models: binomial-tree have been
developped by Huddart et al. (1994). They examined the non-tradability effects
and hedging restrictions and computed the certainty equivalent price for an
But all of these models are restrictive since that they assume
that the Executive can only invest in riskfree bond.
Carpenter with " Exercise and Valuation of Executive Stock
Options" in 1998 allows for outside investment and Henderson in 2004 had
introduced the indifference valuation methodology for pricing ESO. In "The
impact of the market portfolio on the valuation, incentives and optimality of
executive stock options " Henderson allows investment in a Market Index which
is partially correlated with the stock option underlying stock.
She highlights the relation between risk and incentives and
separates market risk from idiosyncratic risk.
Leung & Sircar have defined in 2006 a model with Job
termination risk, vesting and risk aversion. The difference between this model
with those of Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004) and Hull White (2004) is
that optimal exercise boundary is endogenously stated in Leung & Sircar
while in the second ones this frontier and other parameters such that exit rate
are completely ad hoc.
In this dissertation we will treat of ESO valuation models
through their continuous time component and present the approach of Leung &
Sircar (2006) as well as at the same time the one of Ctivanic, Wiener and
Zapatero (2004).
1 Definit ions and Theorems
1.1 Introduction
Trough this section, we introduce some key concepts which will
use all along this dissertation. Because the purpose of this dissertation is to
show how can a contingent claim as an ESO can be priced in the incomplete
market some mathematical and economic specific concepts need to be presented.
Let this part begun by the definition of an ESO and some basic definitions:
1.2 Executive or Employee Stock Option: ESO
For the sake of clarity we introduce what we might be termed ESO.
These have the following properties:
1. ESO are American call option issued by the executive's
company on its own securities;
2. there exist a period of time during which options cannot be
exercised: the Vesting Period;
3. holders are not allowed to sell their ESO. They could only
exercise options and realize a cash benefit by selling the underlying shares
after the Vesting Period;
4. holders are not allowed to hedge their position by short
selling the company stock;
5. if the holders leave their job during the Vesting Period
then they forfeit unvested options. In the case of the Vesting Period is
finished then they have to exercise immediatly vested options that are in the
money whereas they forfeit options that are out the money;
6. regarding the company side, a new Treasury stock is issued
when options are exercised. 1.3 Stochastic calculus
1.3.1 Fundamental definitions
Definition 1.3.1. Filtration
A filtration F = {F(t) : t E R } is a collection of a-algebra
0 = u < t F(u) c F(t)
Then a stochastic process {X(t)}t>0 is said to be adapted with
respect to F or (F)-adapted if: ?t E R : X(t) is F(t)-measurable.
Remark During this dissertation F(i) will be denoted by Fi.
Definition 1.3.2. Lévy process
A stochastic process {X(t)}t>0 is said to be a Lévy
process if the following properties hold:
1. continuity and limit: X has a right continuous paths
and left limits,
2. independent increments: X(0) = 0 and given 0 < t1 < t2
< ··· < tn, the following random variables are
X(t1),X(t2) -X(t1),. .. ,X(tn) -X(tn_1)
3. time homogeneity: The distribution of the increments X(u) -
X(s) is time homogeneous (depends only on u - s)
Remark A Lévy process {W(t)}t>0 which has stationary
and normaly distributed increments W(u) - W(s) with 0 mean and u - s variance
is called a Brownian motion or Wiener Process.
Definition 1.3.3. Stopping time
A random variable T : Ù ? N U {8} is called a stopping
time if ?n E N, {T = n} E Fn
Definition 1.3.4. Martingale
A martingale is couple of a stochastic process and a filtration
{{Mt}t>0, {Ft}t>0} such that {Mt} is {Ft}-adapted and ?t ER the following
properties hold:
1. E [|Mt|] <oc
2. E[Ms|Tt]=Mt?s=t
By considering respectively a submartingale and a
supermartingale, the equation above is replaced by = and <
Theorem 1.1. Optimal stopping time (Doob)
Let (X)n a martingale (respectively a supermartingale)
and T a stopping time. Then:
1. the process (Xmin(n,T))n?N(denoted (Xn?T)n?N) is a martingale
(respectively a supermartingale)
2. When T is bounded almost surely (?N E N such that P [T <
N] = 1) E [XT] = E [X0] (respectively <)
3. IfP[T<oc]=1andif ? Ysuchthat|Xn?T|<Y?n
E [XT] = E [X0] (respectively <)
Theorem 1.2. The Optional Sampling Theorem
If {Mt}t=0 is a continuous martingale with respect to the
filtration {Tt}t=0 and if ô1 and ô2 are two stopping times such
that ô1 < ô2 <K where K is a finite real number, then
Mô2 is integrable (that is has finite expectation) and
following equation holds:
E [Mô2 | Tô1] = Mô1, P - almost surely (1)
1.3.2 Itô and Feynman-Kac
Definition 1.3.5. Itô process
Given z and ó, 2 respectively n and nxm dimensional
Tt-adapted process and W a m-dimensional Brownian motion.
An n-dimensional Itô process, St is a process that can be
represented by:
Z t Z t
St = S0 + zudu + óudWu
0 0
{dS u = z(S u, u)du + ó(Su, u)dWu
(2) S0 = s
And have the following Stochastic Differential Form:
Lemma 1.3. Itô's Lemma
Assume St a 1-dimensional Itô process satisfying the
following Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE):
dSu = zudu + óudWu S0 = s If ö(t, S) : [0,
oc) x R ? R is a C1,2 function and X(t, S) := ö(t, St) then:
X(u, S) = ?ö
?u(u, Su)du + ?ö
?s (u, Su)dSu + 1 ?s2 (u,
{?ö }
= ?u(u, Su) + zu ?ö
?s (u, Su) + 1
2ó2 du + óu ?ö
?s (u, Su)dWu
u ?s2 (u, Su)
Theorem 1.4. Feynman-Kac
Let St a Ito process defined by equation(2) and assume that a
bounded, continuous and twice differentiable function f(.) is the solution of
the following Partial Differential Equation (PDE):
? ??
?u(s, u) + z(s, u) ?f
?s (s, u) + ó(s, u) ?2f
?s2 (s, u) - rf(s, u) = 0
f(s,T) = ø(s)
Then f(.) has the following probabilistic representation:
f(s, t) = er(T -t)E [ø(ST) | St = s] (5)

1.3.3 Radon-Nikodym
Definition 1.3.6. Absolute continuity
Let P, P0 2 measures on the same probability space Ù.
Then VA E F with zero P-measure if P(A) = 0 P0 (A) = 0 P0 is
said absolute continuous with respect to P. All along this dissertation, this
property will be denote by <<.
Definition 1.3.7. Radon-Nikodym
Let (Ù, F, P) be a probability space and M a non-negative
F-measurable random variable such that
ÙM(ù)dP(ù) = 1. We can define a new probability
measure P0 on Ù such that:
dP0(ù) = M(ù)dP(ù) (6)
Then for all F-measurable functions f such that the integral
exists we have the following equality:
f(ù)dP0(ù) = f(ù)M(ù)dP(ù)
Theorem 1.5. Radon-Nikodym Theorem
Let (Ù, F, P) be a a-finite measure space and P0 <<P
defined on the filtration F.
Then there exists a unique nonnegative finite measurable function
f which is called the Radon-Nikodym derivatives of P0 w.r.t P such that V A E F
we have:
P0(A) = fdP
All along this dissertation we denote Radon-Nikodym derivatives
by: f = dP .
The following definition allow us to state the distance between 2
probability distributions. 1.3.4 Cameron-Martin and Girsanov
Lemma 1.6. Exponential Martingale
Suppose a standard brownian motion {W(t) }t>0 defined on the
probability space (Ù, F, P) with its associated filtration {F(t)}t>0
. Vë E R, define a stochastic process {Më(t)}t>0 as follow:
Më(t) = eëW(t)_ ë2 2 t
Then {Më(t)}t>0 is a positive martingale relative to
Proof. According to the definition of a martingale we need to
show that Vu = t > 0
E [Më(t + u) |F(u)] = Më(u)
h i
E [Më(t + u) |F(u)] = E eëWt+u_ ë2 2 (t+u) |
= Eh i
eëWu_ ë2 2 ueë(Wt+u_Wu)_
ë2 2 t | Fu h i
= eëWu_ ë2 2 uE
eë(Wt+u_Wu)_ ë2 2 t | Fu
h i
= Më(u)E eë(Wt+u_Wu)_ë2 2 t | Fu
h i
= Më(u)E eë(Wt+u_Wu)e_ ë2 2 t | Fu
By the fact that Wt+u- Wu is independant
of Fu and factoring we get
= Më(u)e_ ë2 2 tE [eë(Wt+u_Wu)]
By normality distribution argument we get
= Më(u)e_ ë2 2 t e+ ë2 2 t
= Më(u)
Theorem 1.7. Cameron-Martin Formula
Under the probability measure P0ë, the standard
brownian motion process {W(t)}0<t<T has the same law as the process {W(t)
+ Àt}0<t<T has under the probability measure P = P0
Theorem 1.8. Novikov Condition
Let À be a real predictable process and Vt E [0,T] Wt be a
standard brownian motion w.r.t to the probability measure P and the filtration
F. Then if the following condition hold:
E he12 fô iiëti2dt] < 8
Then Vu E [0, T] the process
Mu = efo ëtdWt-z fo ëdt
is a martingale under P and the filtration F.
Theorem 1.9. Girsanov's change of measure Theorem
Suppose a real process À such that e 2 fô
Let Mt(ÀW) be the stochastic exponential of ÀW:
Mt(ÀW) = ef0 fôpt.|2du
According to Novikov condition then the Radon-Nikodym
derivatives is equal to Moo(ÀW):
dP0 dP
= Moo(ÀW) = ef07
ë.dW.-Z e|ë.|2 dP0
dP 1Ft = Mt(ÀW) = ef0t
ë.dW.-z foPt.|2
defines a equivalent probability measure P0 = P. And
WP0(t) such that:
WP0 (t) = W(t) - J t Àudu
is a P0-brownian motion
1.3.5 Minimale Entropy Martingale Measure
Definition 1.3.8. Relative entropy
The relative entropy H(P0 |P) of a probability measure P0 with
respect to a probability measure P is defined as follow:
H(P0 |P) = {EP[PP0
log( p0 )i if P0 << P
8 otherwise
Remark :
1. The function log(.) used in the previous equation have to be
understand as the natural logarithme which is sometimes written ln(.).
2. According to Csiszar (1975), we know that: H(P0 |P) = 0 ? P0
= P otherwise H(P0 |P) = 0
Definition 1.3.9. The Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure
Given a Ft-adapted stochastic process {Xt}t>0
defined on the probability space stated above. Define also, Mxequiv
the set of all Equivalent X-Martingale Measures.
If an Equivalent Martingale Measure (EMM) Qà
(cf. 1.9) satisfies:
VP0 E Mx equiv, H( Qà| P) = H(P0 |
P) (8)
Then Qà is called the MEMM of X(t).
Theorem 1.10. Yoshio Miyahara
Let Wt = (W1(t), W2 (t), . . . , Wd(t))0 be a
d-dimensional ((F), P)-brownian process.
Suppose that Ft =FW t = ó {W(s), s =t}.
Suppose also that a diffusion price process is given by Xt =
(X1(t), X2(t),. . . , Xn(t))0:
Z t d Z t
Xi(t) = Xi(0) + âi(s, X(s))ds + ái,j(s, X(s))dWj(s),
?i E {1, 2, . . . , n} (9)
0 0
It is assume that âi and ái,j, ?i E
{1, 2,. .. , n} , ?j E {1, 2,.. . , d} satisfy the global Lipschitz condition.
If there exist a martingale measure P0 E M (X) such that H(P0 | P) <oc, then
there exist the MEMM Q* which is obtained by Girsanov transformation from P.
Definition 1.3.10. Admissible strategy
A 1-dimensional process 9 is said to be an admissible strategy
if 9 is Fu-predictable almost surely square
integrable process.
(Z T)
E (9u)2du <oc (10)
1.4 Analytical tools
1.4.1 Distortion
The following proposition is purely technical. It allows to
separate variable in the case of exponential utility via a power transformation
and then permit to linearize a non linear Partial Differential Equation in one
Proposition 1.11. Distortion by Zariphopoulou (2001)
Suppose the following PDE:
? ??
Vt + (í - q - u-r
ó çñ)sVs + 1
2ç2 s2 Vss - 1 2(çñs)2 (Vs)2
V - 1 2(u-r
ó )V = 0
With the terminal boundary condition VT(x, s) =
This non-linear PDE can be reduced as a linear on by an
appropriate power transformation:
V = pä
Where ä = 1
1-p2 .The former PDE is rewritten as:
? ?
pt +Ap - 1 2( u-r
ó )2(1 - ñ)2 p =
With the terminal boundary condition pT (x, s) = -e-
ã ä (x+(s-K)+)
Where the differential operator A = (í - q -
ó )s ?s ?+ 1 2(çs)2 ?2
Remark : A= L. WhereL we will se later is
the infinitesimal generator of the company stock diffusion process S under the
probability measure P0.
1.4.2 Pertubation expansion
Suppose a function p(t,s) which solves the following Partial
Differential Equation:
pt+Ap-rp+ 2ãç2(1 -
ñ2)s2 expr(T -t) p2 = 0
With the terminal condition:
p(T,S)= (ST-K)+
Where A is the infinitesimal generator defined in (12). Moreover
by Feynman-Kac argument p(t,s) as the following probabilistic reprsentation:
e-r(T -t)]
ã(1 - ñ2) log(E110 [
e?ã(1-p2)(ST -K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
Let a random variable X have a variance ç2 and
write ?k E N, uk = E110 [Xk] Where P0 is the probability
measure defined by equation(21) (see a little farther).
We define the skewness and the kurtosis of X as:
= EP0 [(X - u1)3]
= u3
- 3u1u2 + 2u3 1
ç4kurt(X) = EP0 [(X -
- 3 =
u4 - 3u2 2 + 12u2 1u2
- 4u1u3
- 6u2 1
Assume f(y)=log(1 + y) with-1 <y < 1 and f(g(x)) with g(.)
= ex. Then the Taylor expansion to 1.5 Economics concepts
Through this dissertation we try to value an asset under a
constrained world. Thus we are in incomplete market and according to this we
need to identify the ESO value trough the Executive's utility function. This
approach is called utility-based Pricing.
In fact the standard pricing theory can identify by replication
the unique price of one derivative asset under complete market.
But the issue in incomplete market come from the non-unicity
price of such derivative. By the UtilityBased Pricing approach, the ESO price
is define as the Private Valuation or Utility Indifference Price which is own
for each holder. The Executive is assumed to be rational and according to her
own riskaversion she hedges optimaly her risk by trading into the stock market
under the constraint inherent to the ESO contract.
Definition 1.5.1. Private Valuation
The Private Valuaton bid price p is the price at which the ESO
holder is indifferent between paying nothing and not having her ESO or paying p
and having it. In fact this indifference have to take into the sense that given
her optimal expected utility the latter remain unchanged between paying and
having or not.
Formaly we have:
Let J(x,s) the optimal expected utility of the Executive with
initial endowment x and 1 unit of ESO.
J(x,s) = sup E [U(XT + (ST - K)+ |Xt = x]
Then p is the Private Valuation of the Executive if:
J(x -p,s) = J(x,0)
Definition 1.5.2. Marginal Price The Marginal Price is the price
which left the Executive's maximum utility unchanged for an infinitesimal
diversion of funds into the purchase or sale of a claim.
E [Ux(X* T )(ST - K)+]
Where {X* }0<t<T is the optimal wealth process generated
by the optimal trading strategy and all function whichare associated to a
subscript denote the derivative of this function w.r.t to variable which
defines the subscript.
2 Mode! for Executive's Stock Option va!uation
This section introduces the executive's investment problem and
the stochastic setting of the Economy.
2.1 The Economy
To start this dissertation, we introduce in this section a
general framework for the Economy in the presence of uncertainty and in which
the ESO's holder lives.
Consider the following probability space (Ù, A, P)
which represents the uncertainty of the Economy and on which is defined a
n-dimensional Brownian motion W= (W',... , W n) 0 over a finite continuous
timehorizon [0, T]. The superscript denotes the transposition operator, since W
is a column vector as every vector in this dissertation.
We consider a financial market M allowing instantaneous
default-free borrowing and lending at continuouslycompounded rate given by the
process r. The rest of M is composed by n risky assets which can be traded.
Suppose one risk-neutral firm and its risk-averse Executive in
this Economy.
Call options on this firm stock are granted to the Executive as
part of her compensation package and to avoid the issue of insider trading, the
executive cannot trade in the firm stock.
Moreover these Call options have a vesting period inside which
the holder cannot exercises it.
Suppose also that the risk-averse executive's preferences can
be modelled by an exponential utility function: U(x)
=-e-ãx, where ã> 0 define the
executive's constant absolute risk aversion and x her wealth. We can see that
U(x) is a twice continuously-differentiable function, strictly increasing and
stricly concave in x. These properties respectively reflects that the executive
preferes more wealth to less and that executive is risk-averse.
Moreover U(x) belong to the Hara utilities class (the proof of
this assertion can be found in the appendix).
2.2 Assets Price
Suppose n=2 risky assets: the Firm stock and the Market Index
and 1 default-free bond. The ESO's holder is allowed to trade only in the
Market Index and the risk-free bond but not on the company stock. Each price of
risky asset is modelled as a diffusion process. The first one is the Market
index which is partially correlated with the company stock:
dM u = zMudu+óMudW' u,
t=u=T (13)
Mt =M
The last one is the company stock price:
dSu = (í-q)Sudu+iSudW 2
u, t=u=T (14)
St =S
And the price of the default-free bond B:
dRu = rRudu, t=u=T(15) Rt = 1
· r is the constant risk-free rate of the Economy.
· u = t is a time index which live in [t, T],
· St = S is the company's stock price at time t,
· Mt = M is the Market Index's stock price at time t,
· z and í are respectively the constant Market Index
and company stock's expected return under the historical measure P,
· q is the constant and continuous proportional dividend
paid by the company stock over the time,
· ó, i are respectively the constant Market Index
and company stock's volatility under the historical measure P,
· W i, ?i E {1, 2} is a Brownian motion
defined on the probability space (Ù, F, (Fu), P). The
information set is captured by the augmented filtration {Fu : u E
[0, t] } where Fu is the augmented ó-algebra generated by
{W1, W2, t = u = 0} and their instantaneous correlation p
E (--1,1),
· FT C A and F0 is trivial.
Remark : We assume in the equation (14) that any dilution of the
Company's stock price is excluded during the lifetime of the option. We could
say that the price has been adjusted before grant date.
2.3 The Executive's Investment Problem: EIP
By assumption, the ESO's holder is not allowed to sell her option
or to trade her company stock. Therefore, it is central to consider her risk
The following subsection shows the Executive's Investment Problem
in its general form while the next section describes a modified model where the
Executive is endowed by 1 unit of ESO.
2.3.1 General results for the EIP
Previously, we have defined her risk preferences as the
exponential utility function of her wealth U(x) =
--e-ãx, where 'y> 0.
We suppose also, throughout the entire period [t, T], that the
Executive trades dynamically between the risk-free asset (bond) and the Market
According to definition (1.3.10) let an admissible trading
strategy {9u, T = u = t}. Denote Èt,T the set of
1-dimensional admissible strategies over the time period [t, T].
Consider now that the ESO's holder uses a admissible strategy 9
in a self-financing way (i.e she invests at time u 9u in the risky
asset (Market Index) and Xu -- 9u in the bond).
Then for all s = t the executive's trading wealth process evolves
according to:
dXè u = {9 u(sa -- r) + rX} du + 9uódW u
Xt =X
The Executive's objective is to maximize her expected utility of
wealth at time T subject to the Executive's trading wealth process until T
(which can be viewed as the budget constraint).
Then the Executive's Investment Problem can be formulate as:
? ??
I(u,X) = sup
Èu,T E [U(XT = --e-ãXT)
|Xu = x]
dXè u = {9u(sa -- r) + rX}du + 9uódW u
It follow that:
= (a-r)
ãó2 e
-r(T -u)
I(u, X) = --e?ãXer(T -u)e - (T -u)
2 (M-r
ó )2
This is the well-known solution of Merton Problem with
exponential utility form. The proof of this results can be shown by the reader
on the appendix.
Remarks: The optimal expected utility of wealth is defined by two
1. the fist one: --e ?ãxer(T -u) i s the utili ty which
come from the investment in the risk-free asset;
(T -u)
2 ( M-r
2. the last one: e- ó )2 is the utility which come from
the trading stratagy under the
investment on the Market Index.
Property 2.3.1. Given that 'y, r and X are positive and that
G(u,X) is strictly negative then:
= ('yrX + 2( sa -- r
1 ó )2)I(u,X)<0
Then the optimal expected utility is decreasing with time. The
aversion depend in this case only on the time increment.
3 The Executive's Optimal Exercise Policy: the general
3.1 utility-based pricing
3.1.1 Introduction
By using the complete market argument, the standard financial
theory can valuate a contingent claim by replicating its future payoff via the
use of risky and riskfree stocks in the market. The derivative security price
found is unique.
However in the incomplete market case, the future payoff
cannot be replicated since the agent's environ- ment is constrained and thus
there are not enough assets in the market that allow the fully replication of
the terminal payoff.
This issue can be solved by considering the utility-based Pricing
Suppose that the agent has a utility function dependant on her
risk aversion parameter and her initial wealth. Then by founding an optimal
trading rule which involves the investment of her wealth between risky and
riskfree assets we can find a price p which makes the agent indifferent between
having a stock option and paying p or paying nothing and not having the
derivatives. In the economic literature, p is called indifference price or
private price.
Given the general formulation of the Excutive Investment Problem
(17) we can formulate the indifference price idea via the definition
The main problem in this approach come from the technical
difficulty to find an explicit solution. Thus a set of assumptions is imposed
to the utility function form. Because the optimization program , technically
speaking is hard, it is supposed an exponential form of the utility function in
order to allow an easy variable separation.
By this way we can formulate the Executive's Optimal Policy in
its general form through a general method.
3.1.2 The general form of the EIP with 1 unit of ESO
By assumption, the ESO's holder is not allowed to sell her
option or to trade her company stock. Therefore, it is central to consider her
risk aversion. The general result found on the Merton Problem allow us to
generalize it in the case where the Executive is endowed by 1 unit of ESO.
Assume all constraints imposed in the previous section hold
(recall: the Executive is allowed to trade only in the risk-less asset and the
Market Index) and Mt = M (The Market Index price at t is M).
The aim of the Executive is to maximize her expected utility
among all trading strategy before the Terminal time T.
Then at time u E [0, T], the EIP associated to the value function
G(u,X,M) is defined by:
G(u,X,S) = sup
= sup
EP [U(T,XT + (ST - K)+)| Xt = X,St = s]
EP [ ]
-e-ã(XT +(ST -K)+)er(T _ u)e - (T _u)
2 ( u_r
ó ) 2 | Xt = X, St = s
Here we have reformulate the EIP general form by introducing only
1 unit of ESO.
Remark : It can be easily formulated this EIP with n identical
ESO by putting n as factor before the derivative's payoff.
3.1.3 Private Price of 1 unit of ESO
The second step of this methodology consists of finding the
Private Price p. To achieve this objective we are going to use the Private
Price definition.
( G(u, X, S) = sup EP ~U(T, XT + (ST - K)+)
| Xt = X, St = s
è?È0,T (19)
G(u, X - p, S) = G(u, X, 0)
Using the Bellman dynamic programming principle, G(u,X,S) have to
satisfy the following Partial Differential Equation:
sup LG = 0
è?È0,T G(u, X - p, S) = G(u, X, 0)
Where L define the inifinisetimal generator of (X,S) under the
historical probability measure P: D
L = + [9(sa - r) + rX] D DX + (í - q)S D DS +
1 2(9 ó)2 D2
DX2 + 1 2(çS)2 D2
DS2 + (ñçó9S) D2
DSDX (20)
Remark :
1. the differential operator L is not linear in 9. Then if we
focus us on the optimization problem we are face on a non linear
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. By 1.11 argument we are allowed to linearize
it by introducing a power transformation;
2. given that G(u,X,S) could be written as G(u, X, S) =
e_ãr(T_u)XG(u, 0, S) we can reduce the dimension
of the original problem (18)
Remark : By using the Girsanov's change of measure argument we
know that G(u,X,S) is a martingale under the optimal strategy 9*
define by equation (17). And moreover this martingale is MEMM by 1.10
According to the last argument we can define the MEMM P0 relative
to the historical probability P such that the Utility process is a
[{ ó )2T )} ]
e(_ u-r
ó WT _ 1 2 ( u-r
P0(A) = E IA, A?FT (21)
The last argument point out that all other strategy are not
optimal and define a supermartingale.
Given G(u, 0,S) = p 1-ñ2 and using the
Bellman dynamic programming principle and the 1.11 argument,
p have to satisfy the programming system:
With the following boundary conditions:
p(T,X,S) = e_ã(1_p2)(ST_K)+ p(T,X,0)
= 0 The simplest form of the PDE is:
Lp(t, s) = 0 (23)
Where L is the infinitesimal generator of the process (St) under
L = D + (í - q - sa - r D 2(çs)2 D2
DS +
çñ)s (24)
Dt ó DS2
Proof. We can rewrite the stock price diffusion process (St)
under P0 as:
dSu = (í - q)Sudu + çSudW u
= (í - q)Sudu + çñSudW
u By Girsanov argument (cf.1.9)
= (í - q)Sudu + çñSu(dW P0
u - u_r
ó du)
= (í - q - u_r
ó çñ)Sudu + çñSudW

Now we can write an explicit form for the intermediate function
p(t, S).
By Feynman & Kac argument the PDE (23) has the following form
under the measure P0:
1-ñ2 (27)
]p(t, S) = EP0 [
e_ã(1_p2)(ST _K)+ | Xt = X, St = s(26) And with
this expression we deduce the form of the value function G(t,X,S):
G(t, X, S) = -e_ãXer(T -t)_ (T -t)
2 ( u-r
ó )2EP0 [ e_ã(1_p2)(ST _K)+
| Xt = X, St = s
Now by using the system (19) we can deduce the Private Price of 1
unit of ESO:
Proposition 3.1. Executive Indifference Price
The Executive's indifference price for her ESO according to 1.5.1
as the following form:
2)(S-K)+ | St =S,Xt = x])
p(t, s) = P° [-ã(1
ã(1 - ñ2) log(Ee
Or equivalently
G(t, x, s) = V (t, x)e-ãp(t,s)e-r(T-t) (29)
Proof. By definition the Executive's Indifference Price is such
G(t, x - p, s) = G(t, x, 0) = V (t, x)
Then by separation variables argument we get:
G (t , x - p, 0)p 1- P2 = G(t, x, 0) = V (t,
-e-ã(x-p)er(T-t) e- 2
(T-t)(ur) 2 }
EP° [e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ |Xt = X, St = s
1 1-P2
= V(t, x)

teãper(T-t)V(t, x)} EP°
[e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+| Xt = X, St = s] 1-P2 =
V(t, x)
teãper(T-t)} EP°
[e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ | Xt = X, St = s] 1-P2 = 1
(Since V(t, x) =6 0)
eãper(T-t) = EP ° [e
-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ | Xt = X, St = s] 1-P2
ãper(T-t) =-1-1ñ2 log(EP°
[e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+ Xt = X St = s])|
log(EP° [e-ã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+|Xt = X, St = s])
p =-ã(1-- ñ2)
Now we can deduce the PDE of the private price.
3.1.4 The Partial Differential Equation of the Private Price
From the Private Price's expression we know that p(t,s) have to
satisfied the following PDE (which has been defined in the equation (23)):
e-r(T -t)
p(t, s) =-ã(1 - ñ2) log(p)
By Feynman-Kac argument p solves:
Lp= 0
With the boundary conditions:
f /3(T, s) = eã(1-ñ2)(ST-K)+
1 p(T, 0) = 0
And where L defined by (24) is the inifinitesimal
generator of the company's stock price process under the MEMM P0.
Thus the Private Price p(t,s) satisfies the following Partial
Differential Equation:
Lp(t, s) - rp(t, s) -
1 T --t 819(4 s) )2
ã(çs)2(1 - ñ2)er( ) = 0
With boundary condition:
p(t, s) = (ST - K)+
Proof. By equation(23) we have:
-- r1
pt(t, s) + (í--q ñ)sps(t, s) +
2 (çs)2
.73ss(t, s) = 0
· pt =
· ps = a p
· fIC.1
s s = p
p(t, s) = --
y(1 -- ñ2) log(p(t, s)) ? p(t, s) =
pt(t, s) = --y(1 --
ñ2)e-r(T-t)e-ã(1-ñ2)p(t,s)e-r(T-t) (pt(t, s) -- rp(t,
· ps(t, s) = --y(1 --
ey(i p 2)e--r(T--t)ps /
· /3ss(t, s) = y(1-- --pss(t,
p s (t,s)
Then we get the following PDE in term of p after divided each
part of the equation by:
--y(1 --
for ñ =6 1 and y =6 0
pt(t, s) -- rp(t, s) + (í -- q -- u-r
óçñ)sps(t, s) + 12
(çs)2 (pss (t, s) + y(1--
ñ2)e-r(T-t)p2s(t,s)) = 0
By grouping we get: (32)
Lp(t, s) -- rp(t, s) -- ã2 (ç
s)2 (1 --
ñ2)e-r(T-t)p2s(t, s) = 0

3.2 The Private Price and its Black & Scholes
During the previous subsection we have derived an explicit
form to the Executive Private Price. We have built an incomplete market
framework in order to understand how could be the behaviour of an executive
with an ESO. We know that in Black&Scholes (B & S) framework failed to
fair-valued a such option since assumptions such that unconstrained portfolio
and riskless agent are unrealistic. Intuitively, we could say that B & S
valuation overstate the fair value of an ESO: the B & S price is an upper
bound of the fair price. The idea here is to define an approximate expression
of the Private Price derived previously and compare it by the B & S value.
First of all we are going to deal with some key statistical concepts and
subsequently use an analytical tool (perturbation expansion) in order to
approximate the Executive Private Price. This will allow us to derive the
Executive Private Price as the B & S price plus a negative pertubation. And
finally we are going to conclude that B & S price overstate the fair-value
of an ESO.
3.2.1 Skewness and Kurtosis
A random variable could be defined with its moment. Mean and
variance which are the most wellknown moment of a random variable are
respectively the first moment and second central moment. But some higher moment
are interesting such that skewness and kurtosis which are respectively the
third and fourth central moment.
This moment are interesting since it measure respectively the
lopsidedness and the degree to which a statistical frequency curve is peaked.
But in our problem, this moments will serve us to give an polynomial expression
to the Private price.
Considere first the expression of the skewness and secondly the
one of kurtosis.
By the definition of skew(X) we get:
~u3skew(X) = u3 -- 3u1u2 + 2u2 1 Where uk = E
[(X)k] , ?k E N (34)
Definition 3.2.2. Kurtosis
The kurtosis is the relative peakness or flatness of a
distribution compared with the Gaussian distribution. Let X the same random
variable as previously. Thus the fourth standardized central moment of X is
written by kurt(X) and is defined by:
E[(X -- u1)4]
kurt(X) :=
3 (35)
By definition of kurt(X) we get:
u4kurt(X) = u4 -- 3u22 + 12u21u2
-- 4u1u3 -- 60. (36)
In the next part we will derive a polynomial form for the
Executive Private Price.
3.2.2 The perturbative expansion
By Taylor argument we can approximate each n-differentiable
function by its n orders differentials. The idea in this part is to derive a
tractable polynomial expression of the Executive Private Price in order to
reveal the B & S valuation and thus to be able to compare this two
valuation. By equation (3.1) we have an explicit form of the private price.
?ñ2)(S,--K)+ | St = S, Xt = x] )
p(t, s) =-- log(EP0 [e?ã(1
ã(1 -- ñ2)
Let E := ã(1-- ñ2), z := (St --
K)+, f (Ez) = e-€z - 1 and y := EP0 [f
(Ez) | St = S, Xt = x] = Ellt°,08,x [Ez]. Thus the polynomial expansion of
the function e-€z and log(1 + y) at 0 to the order 4 for the
first one and to order 1 for the other one as the following expression:
<>> >
e-€z = 1 -- Ez
(Ez)3 + (Ez)4 O(E4)
3! 4!
log(1 + y) = y + O(y),?|y|= 1
Suppose that uk := EP0 ((ST --K)+)k | St =
S, Xt = x = Ellt',08,x
p(t, s) --
log (1 -- Eu1 + E2 u2 --Eu3 +E4u41
2! 3! E4!

~e-r(T-t)2 E2 2 E3 3
Eu1 + 2! (u2 -- + 2! u1 -- 3!
(u3 -- 3u1u2 + 2u21) +

3!3 -- 3! 1 2E3 u2 + E4 4! u4 )
~ ~
e-r(T-t) E2 E
EEPt ,x 2! ,8 [z] + V tP0,x [z] -- E3
skewP0 (z) + 4! kurtP 0 (z) +
3! é
e-r(T-t) (4,08,x [z] vir0
L 2! .,8,x !
[z] + E 32 skewP0 (z) -- 4E! kurtP0 (z) --
Where é = €22u21 +
€33! (3u1u2 -- 2u21) + €43! (3u2 2 -- 12u21u2 +
4u1u3 +
We have found in the previous part a nice form of the Executive
Private Price. In fact we can write the Indifference Price as a linear function
of the n-moments of the option payoff.
Without complex calculus in order to find the explicit Private
Price expression with all variables defined in the model we can reduce the
previous expression and consider only terms with epsilon-power strictly lower
than two. In fact we assume that ~n 0, {?n E N n n = 2}
Thus the simplified form of the Executive Private Price is:
~ ~
[(ST - K)+] - ã(1 - ñ2)
p(t, s) e-r(T -t) E 0 V 0
[(ST - K)+] + E 0 [((ST -
t,s,x t,s,x t,s,x
p(t, s) pBS(t, s) - Ø(f, S)
Where Ø(f, S) > 0 and
pBS (t, s) is the price of an european call option in B & S
(38) Finally we have shown by a polynomial approximation that
the fair-price of an ESO is lower than the price derived in B & S. This
inequality come from the risk-aversion of the Executive which cannot perfectly
hedge her risk with the set of constraints which are imposed to her.
3.3 The optimal trading strategy
This section treats about the Executive's optimal strategy
where in this case she is endowed by 1 unit of ESO. By using a similar way that
in the EIP section we are going to solve this by Hamilton-JacobiBellman
principle. The problem is stated as:
è ?Èt,T
LG(u,x,s)=0 (39)
Where L is the inifinitesimal generator of (X,S) under P which is
defined in the equation (20). By Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman argument we have to
(u - r) DG
DX + èó2D2G
DX2 + (ñçóS) D2G
DSDX = 0
And then we have a general form of the optimal trading strategy
è** = -( u - r) aG
ax + ( ñçóS) a2G
aSax (40)
ó 2 a2G
Now we can express all the partial derivative functions:
1. aG
ax = - ãer(T -u)G
2. a2G
ax2 = ( ãe r(T -u))2G
3. a2G
axaS = aG aS = ( ãer(T -u)) 2G ap
by separation of variables argument.
Then we obtain the optimal strategy 9** as a function
of the differential of the Private Price:
9** =
-'y(u - r)er(T-u)G +
(ñióS)('yer(T -u))2G ap
((u-r) ~
9** = e-r(T -u)
- ñçS ap
ó aS
9** = 9* +ö(S,p,ñ,i,ó,'y)
9** = 9* If ñ < 0 and 9**
<9* otherwise.
Where ö(S, p, ñ, i, ó, 'y) = -
ñçS aS <0. If ñ> 0 and the reverse otherwise
aS = 0 (we will see this assertion later)
3.4 The effects of the parameters
In the previous subsection we have found a general form for
the Executive's Private Price of 1 unit of ESO. Moreover we have derived the
Executive's optimal strategy when she is endowed by 1 unit of ESO. We observe
that the Executive's initial endowment does not appear in the price's
expression and that the optimal strategy is equal to the optimal strategy when
the Executive is without ESO plus a certain function that we are going to
define in this section.
3.4.1 The Private Price
Thus the ESO Private Price is independant of the Executive's
initial wealth. This property is closely linked to the utility function form.
We have seen that by exponentiality argument we can separate each variable
allowing us to simplify computations. But in reality the agent's utility can be
describe by a huge set of utility function. Suppose for instance that the ESO
contract involves holder's liability such that if ST - K < 0 then the
executive have a penalty (her salary can be reduce by a certain amount of
money) then the payoff of the ESO can be negative. Then in this specific case
the Private Price could be not well defined.
So it is important to show that the solution found here is
closely linked to the utility function's form and can be generalized by
relaxing assumptions made for make computations more easy.
3.4.2 The Optimal Trading Strategy
We have found that the optimal trading strategy in the case
where the executive is endowed of 1 unit of ESO is linked with the optimal
trading strategy without ESO plus a certain function. This function can be
interpreted as the adjustment of the initial trading strategy brought by the
introduction of the ESO in the executive's wealth. More precisely we are going
to define this function as the part of the optimal trading strategy which
allows to the executive to hedge her risk brought by the derivative.
Proposition 3.2. The hedging strategy for the ESO at the private
price p(t,s) at time t E [0, T] is to hold êushares of the
Market Index M at time u E [t, T] such that:
Remark :The Executive have to be short on the Market Index if
it is positively correlated with the underlying stock of her option and have to
be long otherwise. By risk-aversion principle she have to invest only in the
risk-free bond if the Market Index is totally non-correlated with her companys
3.4.3 Incentives effect or ESO delta
The main argument for shareholders to expense ESO is to align
executive's incentives to their owns. Basically the Executive throught her ESO
is exposed to an unhedgeable specific risk while by assumption the unspecific
risk can be fully hedgeable by the Market Index. The Executive's incentives is
closely linked to the part of her risk which cannot be hedgeable but by
risk-aversion argument we know that the
executive's value of her ESO is less than its value in the
Following the argument exposed just above we will take as
incentives definition the option's effect on
motivation for an executive to
increase the company's stock price and thus formally sepaking take the
first derivative of the Executive's Private Price with respect
to the company's stock price. In the classical option pricing literature the
incentives effect is called option delta. We are going to give an explicit
solution to the ESO delta and discuss about the effect of the others
Proposition 3.3. Incentives effect
The Executive 's incentives effect Ä provoked by the ESO is
defined by the first derivative of the Executive 's Private Price according to
the underlying stock price. Therefore the incentives effect called
the ESO delta is positive and has the following explicit
h i
EPp I(ST =K)e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST -K)
+ | Xt = X, St = s
Ä(t, s) = Dsp(t, s) = e-r(T -t)
h i = 0 (42)
EPp e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST
-K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
Under the new measure Pp = P0 defined by:
dPp = eçW'0?ç2 t 2 dP0 (43)
Proof. First of all, according to equation (30) we have the
following equation:
ã(1 - ñ2)
= -
D log(-p)
= -
ã(1-ñ2) -p(t,s)
D p-
Ds (t,s)
Secondly, according to (1.9) argument Pp defines an
equivalent Martingale Measure for the company's stock price process. And thus
the company's stock price is an exponential brownian motion with volatility i
and drift ((u - q - u-r
ó iñ) + i2) under the new measure
Then, let ð(t, s) = -ps then we can
rewrite the PDE (23) of -p(t, s) in term of ð(t, s):
L-p = p-ÿ + (u - q - /1 - r
ó iñ)s- ps +
1 2(is)2 -pss = 0
p-ÿ Ds +
(u - q - /1 - riñ)s-ps
Ds + 1
ó (is)2 -pss
Ds = 0
ðÿ+(u-q-/1 - r
ó iñ)sðs + (u-q- /1 - r
ó iñ)ð+i2sðs +1 2(is)2ðss
ðÿ+ (u - q - /1- r
ó iñ+i2)sðs + (u - q -
/1 - r
ó iñ)ð +1 2(is)2ðss = 0
With the boundary condition defined by:
-ps(T, s) = -ã(1 -
ñ2)(ST -
where -p(t, s) is define by the equation (26) and
Pp is defined according to:
Moreover by using Feynman-Kac argument under the new probability
measurePp we obtain the following probabilistic representat ion of
-ps(t, s) = ð(t, s) = e{(í?q?
ó çñ)(T -t)}EPp -ã(1 -
ñ2)I(ST = K)e-ã(1 -
ñ2)(ST - K)+ | Xt = X,St = s
= 0
Finally by combining the explicit expression of
-ps with equations (44) and (26) (taken in the new
measure Pp) we get:
[ ]
= -
'y(1 - ñ2)
e{(í?q? u-r
ó çñ)(T -t)}EPp -'y(1 -
ñ2)I(ST = K)e-'y(1 - ñ2)(ST -
K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
[ ]
e{(í-q- u-r
ó çñ)(T -t)}EPp
e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST -K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
= e-r(T-t)
h i
EPp I(ST = K)e-'y(1 -
ñ2)(ST - K)+ | Xt = X, St = s
[ i = 0
EPp e?ã(1?ñ2)(ST
-K)+ | Xt =X, St = s
2'y(ñ2 - ñ1)e-r(T-t) (VP0
[(ST - K)+] + EP0 [((ST - K)+)2])
< 0
t,s,x t,s,x
pñ2 - pñ1 -
3.4.4 The effect of risk-aversion
ESO are awarded to the executive in order to align her
incentives to those of shareholders. Also we know from standard option theory
that more risky is the underlying of the option more its value is important.
But in the case of incomplete market framework this assertion does not hold. In
fact the ESO holder is risk-averse. Her objective is to maximize her expected
wealth (which depends on the ESO payoff) and thus there is two contrary
1. the first one which is to maximize the expected payoff of the
ESO which is positively linked to the underlying risk;
2. the last one which is to minimize the risk due to the
risk-aversion, which is obviously negatively linked to the underlying risk.
We are going to show that the last effect described just above
beats the first one.
So Formally speaking, let 'y1 <'y2 2 risk-aversion parameters
and pãi(t, s) be the Executive Private Price under 'y , we
have to show that:
pã1(t,s) = pã2(t,s)
Proposition 3.4. Risk-aversion effect
Let 2 Executives i and j respecting our framework conditions and
have respectively 'y and 'yj as riskaversion parameters. Suppose also that 'y
Then the Executive i Private Price dominates the Executive j
Private Price.
Proof. By equation (38) we have an simplified form for the
Private Price.
Let pã1 and pã2 be
respectively the Private Price of the Executive i and the Executive j. Then
pã1 - pã2
2('y2-'y1)(1-ñ2)e-r(T-t) (
1 VP0[(ST - K)+] + EP0 [((ST -
K)+)2]) > 0
t,s,x t,s,x

In fact the assertion is very intuitive, since that more the
Executive is risk-averse less she is willing to wait 1 unit of time more and
then she cannot fully exploit all potential gains coming from earlier
3.4.5 The effect of correlation
Through the Market Index, the executive can partially hedge
her risk. More this parameter is lower less the residual risk is important and
more the ESO private price is higher. We are going to demontrate this assertion
via the following propostion:
Proposition 3.5. Let ñ1 and ñ2 2 correlation
parameters. Suppose also that 0 < ñ1 <ñ2. Then the ESO
Private Price under the world defined by ñ1 dominates the ESO Private
Price under the world defined by ñ2
Proof. Given the price approximation defined by the equation(38).
And let ñ1 and ñ2 defined in the proposition. Then:
Remark : Note that in the case of perfect correlation (|p| =
1) and ignoring the higher moments on the Private Price expansion our valuation
method gives no more no less the Black & Scholes formulation of the Private
Proposition 3.6. The opposite happens if p2 <p1 <0
These propositions confirm what we are expecting. Indeed, the
Executive seeks the asset which is the most negatively correlated with the
underlying of her ESO in order to maximizing her hedging. That is why she is
willing to pay more her ESO if she can found a substitute which can better
hedge her risk inherent to her ESO.
4 The Executive's Optimal Exercise Policy: Leung &
Sircar Approach (2006)
4.1 Settings
In this paper, the agent is endowed by 1 unit of ESO with a
vesting period of tv years. She lives in the Economy described
previously and has preferences modelled by an exponential utility.
The main difference with the general framework is that the holder
is subject to a job termination risk with a constant intensity: À which
is exponentially distributed.
Recall: The Company Stock Price and the Trading Strategies under
the historical probability P evolve according to the following diffusion
? ???????
~ dSu =
(v-q)Sudu+çSudWu ~ dXè
St = S
u = {èu(u - r) + rX} du +
p E (-1, 1) Xt = X
Where p is the instantaneous constant correlation coefficient
between W and B
4.1.1 The job termination risk and exercise window
Leung & Sircar incorporate job termination risk in the
general model. Indeed, in the general model it is assumed that the Executive
can exercise her option without time constraints. In reality the holder cannot
exercise her option during the vesting period which is contractually defined
and she is subject to a risk induced by her job termination. The problem can be
described has follows:
1. if she is still in the firm after the vesting period then
she can exercise her option when she wants until the option maturity. She get a
gain resulting of her exercise equal to the company stock price level at the
time where her ESO is exercised minus the strike price of her option;
2. if she leaves the firm before the vesting period then her
option is lost and thus she has no gain from her option
Remark : In this paper the job termination risk is
incorporated with a stopping time which is exponentially distributed. This
assumption can be relaxed by introducing a random variable estimated by an
historical data for each company. But in our case, this distribution function
allow us to simplify computations.
4.2 Optimization method
The optimization problem differs from the general problem seen
previously in the fact that there exist time constraints. On one hand there is
an exercise window under which the ESO can be exercised and on the other hand
there is a job termination time which have an impact on the Executive's
behaviour and which have to be included in the optimization problem.
By this way we have to define the utility rewarded of immediate
exercise at any time t which reflects the executive's gain when she leaves her
firm at this time or the gain when t is the optimal stopping time: Proposition
The gain Ë(t, x, s) coming from the immediate exercise of an
ESO is defined as:
Ë(t,x,s) =G(t,x+(S-K)+)
= e_ã(x+(S_K)+)er(T - t)e_( u-r
ó )2 T -t
Where the function G(.) is the value function defined in equation
Hence we have clarified the gain coming from the ESO exercise
when the executive leaves her firm at time t.
This gain is obviously at most equal to the gain coming from
the optimal exercise where this latest is driven firstly by the optimal trading
strategy and secondly by the optimal company's stock price level. Moreover in
the region where the early exercise constraint is inactive, the value function
G satisfies the following PDE:
GG = 0 (47)
Where G is the differential operator of (X,S) under the
historical probability P define in the equation (20).
By combining the immediate utility rewarded constraint with the
previous PDE a time dependent Linear Complementary Problem (LCP) is stated for
the price of the ESO (Dempster-Hutton (1999)). According to these arguments we
can provide the executive's optimization problem:
the Executive which is endowed by 1 unit of ESO can trade
dynamically in the risk-free bond and the market index and then the Executive's
problem is to choose an admissible strategy and an optimal stopping time such
G(t, X, S) = sup sup
ôETt,T 8t,ô
= sup sup
ôETt,T 8t,ô
EP[I(ô, Xàô +
(Sàô - K)+) | Xt = X, St = s
t - t =s(48)
Where ôà = ôAôë. By
linking the EIP with this problem and according to the optimal stopping
argument we can define ô* as:
ô* = inf ft <u< T: G(u, Xu, Su)
= I(u, (Su - K)+, Mu)} (49)
Now we can write the Linear Complementarity Problem of the
Executive's Value Function:
Proposition 4.2.
Suppose that the value function J be the solution to the EIP.
Then for (t,x,y)E [0, T] x R x (0, oo) the Executive's is face to the
following complementary problem:
· (G - A) + GG + sup G < 0
G > A
· (G - A) + GG + sup
· (A - G) = 0
Where the boundary conditions are:
GT (x, s) = -e-ã(x+(s-K)+) Gt(x, 0) =
-e-ã(xer(T-t))e-(T2t)(u-ró)2 (51)
Proof. By
dynamic principle, the value function G is supposed to maximize the Executive's

Now it is interesting to focus us on the assumption made on the
utility function.
By its exponentiality form and the constant absolute risk
aversion argument we can separate the Executive's initial cash endowment and
the trading gain process. Which involves that we can reduce the dimension of
the optimization problem.
By this way we can write the value function G(t,x,s) as:
G(t, x, s) = e-ãxer(T-t) x G(t, 0, s)
With G(t,0,s):=V(t,s) and G(t,x,0):=I(t,x). By 1.11 argument and
the separation of variables we are allowed to rewrite the value function as:
G(t, x, s) = I (t, x)
· p(t, s)
Remark :
· By the exponential property of the utility function
p(t, s) = V (t, s)(1-P2) is a function of only t
and s,
· the function p(t,s) turn out to be related to
the ESO indifference price of the executive. According to 1.10 argument we can
define also the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEMM) P0 relative to the
historical probability P such that the wealth process (X)T is a
P0(A) = E [te(- (m7)2T1
IAi , A? FT (52)
Thus by this formulation the Executive's optimal exercise time is
independant of her wealth and the Market Index price and the free-boundary
problem for p is defined as follow:
??????? ?
Lp - (1 - ñ2)ëp+ (1 -
ñ2)ëe-7(y-K)+er(T -t)p- 1fP2 = 0
p -7(1-P2)(8-K)+er(T-t) = ö(t, s) (53)
(pt + Lp - (1 -
ñ2)ë/3 + (1 - ñ2)ë hö(t,
s)p-12] 1-P2 ) · (ö(t, s) - p) =
Where the boundary conditions are:
p(t, s) = e-7(1-,2)(8-K)+ p(t, 0) = 1 4.2.1
The Executive's Exercise Boundary
The Executive's optimal exercise boundary s* is
interpreted as the critical company's stock price such that:
s*(t) = inf ns = 0 :p(ts) =
8--K)+e 1
Then by the optimal stopping time argument we get:
ô* = inf {t = u = T : Su = s*}
By Feynman-Kac argument the function p has the
following probabilistic representation under the MEMM:
p(t, s) = inf
-(1-pMr-t)e-7(1-p2 Er(T)
[ + / T
e-- (1--p2)À(U--t) (1 -
'''8 e 2 .73(u, Su)-2d
By definition of the Private Price state previously we can
express it via the following proposition: Proposition 4.3. Executive
Indifference Price
The Executive's indifference price for her ESO according to 1.5.1
as the following form:
p(t, s) =-ã(1 - ñ2) log(p(t,
s)) (54)
Or equivalently
G(t, x, s) = I(t, x)e-7P(t,8)e-r(T-t) (55)
Proof. The same as (28) with I(t,x) instead of V(t,x)

4.2.2 A Partial Differential Equation for the Private
Price We have found just above the form of the ESO Private
Recall: We have define earlier the infinitesimal generator of the
company stock price process under the MEMM:
Lu - r 8 182
= + (í-q ñ)s + (çs)2
8t ó 8S 2 8S2
Thus p solves the following free boundary problem:
? ??

Lp -rp - 12y(1 -
ñ2)(çs)2er(T-t) a2p + À(1
as2ã = 0
p = (s - K)+

Lp -rp - 12y(1 - ñ2)
(çs)2er(T-t) a2p + À (1 -
eã((sK)+ -p)er(T-t))
· ((s - K)+ - p) = 0
Proof. We are going to begin the proof by the case of the first
member of the free-boundary problem. By proposition (3.1) we have:
p(t, s) = e-ã(1-ñ2)er(T-t)p(t,s)
MoreoverLpis defined as:
8p +(í - q - u - r çñ)s813 +1
(çs)2 82 ii 8t

eet = (rp-ÿp)y(1
-y(1 - ñ2)er(T_t) ap
aS =
= L(y(1 ñ2)er(T-t) ap2 2 r(
aS) ñ )e ,T-t) a2pi e -ã(1-
· -t)
-(1 - ñ2)ëp = -(1 -
ñ2)ëe-ã(1-ñ2)er(T-t)p (4)
(1 - ñ2)ëe-ã(s-K)+er(T -t)p-
(1(::2) = (1 -
ñ2)ëe-ã(s-K)+er(T-t)eãñ2er(T-t)p (5)
By divided each member of the equation by: y(1 -
e-ã(1-ñ2)er(T-t -
) which is strictly posi-
tive we get:
? (rp - ÿp)
(2) ? - as= -ps
(3) ? y(1 -ñ2)er(T-t)( aaD 2 aa S2p
= y(1 -ñ2)er(T-t)((ps)2 -
p s s) -
(4) ? -Àãe-r(T-t)
(5) ?
Then the first inequality of the original free-boundary problem
in term of p can be rewritten in term of p:
Lp - (1 -
ñ2)Àp + (1 -
ñ2)Àe?ã(y-K)+er(T_t) p- ñ2
1_ñ2 = 0 ?
(rp - ÿp) - (í - q - u-r
ó çñ)sps + 1 ã
e-r(T -t) (1 - e?ã[(s-K)+-p]er(T _t)) = 0 ?
2(çs) 2 [ã(1 - ñ2
)er(T -t) (ps)2 - pss ] - ë
Lp - rp - 1
2(çs)2ã(1 - ñ2)er(T -t)
(ps)2 + ã ë e-r(T -t)(1 -
e?ã[(s-K)+-p]er(T _t)) <0
With the following boundary condition:
p(T, s) = (ST - K)+ p(t,0)=0 And thus:
(Lp- rp- 1
2(çs)2ã(1 - ñ2 )er(T
-t) (ps)2 + ã ë e-r(T
-t)(1 - e?ã[(s-K)+-p]er(T _t)))· ((s -
k)+ -p) = 0

Now we can isolate each region where the Executive can choose the
optimal stopping time ô*:
= inf{t<u<T:I(u,Xu
+p(u,Su))=I(u,Xu +(Su -K)+)}
= inf{t<u<T:p(u,Su)=(Su
Remark : First of all, by assuming that the first inequality of
the free-boundary problem is binding then we can isolate 3 parts:
1. if À = 0 and ñ = 1 then this is just the
standard Black-Scholes PDE for an option with the company's stock as
2. if À = 0 and ñ =6 1 there exists a quadratic
pertubation of the standard Black-Scholes PDE which is more important if the
correlation coefficient between the company's stock and the Market Index is
This part highlights the unperfect replication driven by the
Market Index hedging.
3. if À =6 0 and ñ =6 1 this is the part of the
price driven by the job termination risk whose one part highlights the case
where the ESO is forfeited (during the vesting period) and the second part
shows the case where the Executive have to exercise her option after her
departure and when the option is unvested.
4.2.3 The optimal trading strategy
According to the general form of the optimal trading strategy
defined by (40) we can find the one that have to be used by the executive int
our case.
Recall: The optimal trading strategy have the following general
( u - r) ?G
?X + (ñçóS) ?2G
è** ?S?X
LS = -ó2 ?2G
Then by replacing each member of the formula by their value in
our case we get: ?X = IX = -ãer(T -u)I
?X2 = (ãer(T -u))2I ?2G
?S?X = GXS = -ãer(T -u)GS = -ãer(T
?2G ?p
?s = (ãe
r(T -u) )2Ips
(u - r) [-ãer(T -u)I] +
(ñço-S)(ãer(T -u))2I
LS = - o-2(ãer(T
(u - r)e-r(T -u)
ñço-S o-2 ps
4.3 The effects of parameters
During this section we are going to retranscribe propositions
suggested by Leung & Sircar. The Reader can found proofs of these
propositions in the Appendix.
Let begun this part by the Job Termination Risk effect.
4.3.1 The effect of Job Termination risk
Proposition 4.4. Suppose À2 = À1. Then the
utility-maximizing boundary associated with À1 dominates that with
In fact this assertion is very intuitive. Indeed, if the agent
1 is less risk-averse than the agent 2, on the like-for-like basis, she is
willing to wait more time in order to maximize her gain coming from her ESO
than the agent 2. Thus agent 1 has more opportunities to exercise her option in
a better condition than the other one.
4.3.2 The effect of risk-aversion
Proposition 4.5. The indifference price is non-increasing with
risk aversion. The utility-maximizing boundary of a less risk-averse ESO holder
dominates that of a more risk-averse ESO holder.
This proposition confirms also our expectation. More the
Executive is risk-averse less she is willing to wait 1 unit more time to
exercise her option and thus she doesn't fully exploit the potential gains
coming from waiting more.
4.3.3 The correlation effect
Proposition 4.6. Assume á := u - r > 0. Fix any number
ñ E (0,1). Denote by p+ and p- the o-
indifference prices corresponding to ñ and
-ñrespectively. Then, we have p- = p+. Moreover, the utility-
maximizing boundary corresponding to -ñ dominates that
corresponding to ñ
Proposition 4.7. If á := u - r <0. Then the opposite
happens. If á = 0 then p+ = p-, and the two o-
exercise boundaries coincide.

5 ESO cost to the firm
In the previous sections we have derived the Executive's
optimal exercise policy. The valuation of the ESO is taken in the holder's
perspective. We have shown that the ESO valuation depend closely to the
Executive's parameters and are summarized by her risk aversion.
The issue treated in this section is the ESO valuation from
the firm or shareholder's perspective. The cost of issuing an option depend
closely to the Executive's behaviour which results from a rational trading
strategy under a set of constraints.
While the Executive cannot fully hedge her risk by short selling
the company's stock, we assume that shareholders can fully hedge their risk.
Therefore the last assumption allows us to build the ESO cost
model under the risk-neutral measure Q. More precisely, the executive choose an
optimal exercise policy ô that yields a payoff (S,- -
K)+ so that the firm's cost to this option at time ô is equal
to (S,- - K)+.
Thus how can the firm do anticipate this cost and estimate it
5.1 General model for the ESO cost to the firm
In this part we are going to generalize the cost beared by
shareholders during the issuing of an ESO. From the firm's perspective the
option exercising is exogenous since the exercising policy is fully explained
by the Executive's behaviour.
Thus we could modelize the critical price which reflects the
price level where the ESO is exercised as a barrier.
From the firm's perspective the ESO payoff is a certain amount
of cash outflow at an a priori uncertainty time which is the first time where
the company's stock price reaches the critical price. The critical price is
completely exogeneous from the shareholders perspective since this price is
fully explained by the Executive's behaviour that is why the ESO is a
barrier-option from the firm's point of view.
5.2 The naive approach
This part describes how can be derived the cost of issuing an
ESO without taking into account the Executive's risk aversion. In fact from the
firm's perspective the Executive's is not risk-averse and her behaviour is only
driven by the maximization of the ESO expected payoff.
By this way the Executive's private price for the ESO is equal
to the ESO risk-neutral price or its cost of issuing under complete market
assumption. This approach is called naive approach since it does not care about
hedging constraints imposed to the Executive. But in fact the result that we
will obtain may be interesting since it can be undertood as the upper bound of
the ESO cost.
Proposition 5.1. Black-Scholes
Suppose that shareholders and option holder are risk-neutral.
Then the aim of the option holder is to maximize the present value of her
Thus Cnaive(t, s) the cost or the price at time t of a
such option is the B&S price of an European Call option and satisfied the
following PDE:
t (t, s) + rsCnaive
s (t, s) + 1 2(çs)2Cnaive
ss(t , s) - rCnaive(t, s) = 0
With the boundary condition: Cnaive(T, s) = (ST -
Cnaive(t, s) have the following probabilistic form
according to Feynman-Kac argument:
Cnaive(t, s) = e_r(T_t)EQ [(ST - K)+ | St
= s]
Where Q is the risk-neutral measure under which the risk-free
rate and the Company 's stock return are equal by non-arbitrage argument.
Here we have found the cost of issuing an ESO where the holder
is assumed to be risk-neutral. Since the dividend is assumed smoothed during
the time span the optimal choice for the Executive is to wait until the option
maturity. That is why the cost to the firm is no more no less the B & S
price of an European Call option.
In the next part we are going to define the ESO as a
barrier-option. In fact the Executive through
her optimal exercise boundary defines a stock price level
where she optimally exercises her option. This bound is completely exogenous
from the firm's perspective, since it is fully explained by the Executive's
behaviour. We are going to model this barrier by some exogenous barrier S" and
find what is the cost when there is no vesting period and no job termination
5.3 The ESO cost to the firm with no vesting period and no job
termination risk - Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004)
This section treates about the firm's cost of issuing an ESO
when shareholders take into account the fact that the ESO holder is
risk-averse. But our assumption here is that the risk-aversion come only from
the unperfect hedging and not from the job termination risk. Moreover there is
no vesting period under which the Executive cannot exercised her option.
Thus we have to define two parameters:
1. S": the optimal level of the Company's stock price at which
the Executive exercises her option;
2. á: the exogenous rate of decay of that barrier as
maturity approaches. This parameter captures the fact that !!the Executive is
more likely to exercise the option, (that is, for a lower price of the
underlying), the closer the maturity.' see Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero
Here the ESO is treated as an American Call option and thus can
be exercised at any time during the time span until its maturity T.
So the Executive has the choice to exercise or not her option and
thus bring about different costs for the firm. According to the last remark we
have to separate two kinds of cost:
1. the cost brought about by the option exercise before
2. the cost at maturity.
In order to explicit this two sources of cost we have to define
the time when the option is exercised or expires.
Let ô be a random stopping time and min(ô, T) be the
time when the option is exercised or expires. Given Ft the distribution of
ô contionally to the information available to the Company's stock price
up to time t:
Ft=Pt[ô=t] (61)
Then we deduce the general formulation of the expected cost to
the firm at maturity:
"Z T #
E [Cô?T (t, S)] = E CudFu + CT (1 - FT ) (62)
Suppose now the Executive exercises her option at time t so the
critical Company's stock price is hit for the first time. The boundary S" t =
S"eát > K is reached for t = T. Thus
ô" = inf{t > 0,St = S" t } = inf {t>
0,Ste?át = S"} (63)
Then the expected cost to the firm can be expressed as two
1. the cost brought about by the option exercising when the
critical price has been reached;
2. the cost when the option matures at time T.
Proposition 5.2. The expected cost to the firm - Ctivanic, Wiener
and Zapatero (2004)
According to the equation (62) and (63) the expected cost to the
firm at time of issuing an ESO is written as:
iC(0, s) = E [e-rT (ST -
K)+I{ô*>T } | S0 = s] + E h
(se?ráô* - Ke?rô* )I{ô*=T } | S0
= s(64)
The previous proposition highlighted the fact that the cost of
issuing an ESO is a combination of the cost brought about by the Executive's
optimal exercising behaviour and the cost when the option matures. In the next
part we are going to introduce an other parameter the intensity of the job
termination risk, but in order to only show this parameter effect we are going
to exclude the case of vesting period. The last part will present the final
model with all parameters coming from the Leung& Sircar's paper (2006).
5.4 An Intensity based model for the firm's cost -
Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004)
In this part we introduce the job termination risk as parameter
in the model.
Indeed the Executive have to exercise her option when she
leaves voluntarily or unvoluntarily the firm even if the exercising time is not
optimal. The job termination risk could be designed as a Poisson process of
parameter À. Thus the expected life for the Executive job is
exponentially distributed of parameter À. Suppose also that the arrival
rate is constant during the time (this parameter could be estimated by
historical data according to the relevant company).
Thus the conditional distribution of the exercise time is:
F(t) = 1 - e-Àt (65)
Through equation (65) we find that the probability of exercise
after job terminataion is f(t) = Àe-Àt.
And thus by
taking the general form of the expected cost equation (62) we get the following
Proposition 5.3. The expected cost to the firm under intensity
based model - Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004)
The expected cost to the firm where the ESO holder is suject to a
job termination risk of intensity À which following a Poisson process is
written as:
" f T #
C(0, s) = EQ À(St -
K)+e-(r+À)tdt + (ST - K)+e-(r+À)T | S0 = s
Now by combining this part with the previous part we are able to
find an explicit solution by considering the optimal stopping time of
exercising and the job termination risk parameter.
5.5 ESO cost to the firm with optimal exercise level and job
termination risk - Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004)
The cost to the firm here is brought about by the optimal
exercise and the job termination risk. But we assume again that there is no
vesting period. So that the exercise time could be write as:
r** = min(rÀ,r*) (67)
Where rÀ is the time when the Executive leaves
her firm (which is exponentially distributing according to our assumption) and
r* is the first time when the Company's stock price hits the
critical level.
We suppose that r* IrÀ (thes two
time are conditionally independent).
Then by standard probability calculus we get the following
[rÀ < t]
F (t) := Pt [r** < t] = Pt [r* < t] +
Pt [rÀ < t] - Pt [r* < t] Pt
[rÀ < t]
= I{ô**=t} + Pt [rÀ < t] -
I{ô**=t}Pt = I{ô**=t}+ Pt
[rÀ <t] I{ô**>t}
= 1 - e-ÀtI{ô**>t}
Then the cost to the firm can be decomposed in 3 parts:
1. the cost linked to the event: !!the Executive's optimal
boundary is reached by the Company's stock price!!;
2. the cost linked to the event: !!the Executive leaves the firm
and have to exercise her options!!;
3. the cost linked to the event: !!the company's stock price
have never reached the optimal boundary and the Executive is still in the
Since we have assumed that each event are mutually independent we
can exhibit the expected cost to the firm:
Proposition 5.4. The expected cost to the firm under intensity
based model and optimal exercise - Ctivanic, Wiener and Zapatero (2004)
The expected cost to the firm for issuing an ESO and by taking
into account the Executive 's optimal exercise boundary and her Job termination
risk can be written as follows:
C(0, s) = E h (S*e-(rá+ë)ô -
Ke-(r+ë)ô)I{ô*=T }dt+ E
Àe-(r+ë)t(St -
i+E h e-(r+ë)T (S T -
K)+I{ô*>T }
5.6 ESO cost to the firm: Leung & Sircar (2006)
Through this section we will discuss about the firm's granting
costs induced by the executive's exercising behaviour. Indeed, the ESO cost is
totally determined by the holder's exercising behaviour. Moreover the company
is exposed to the exercising risk and in this section the company is assumed to
be risk neutral. In fact, the underlying assumption is that the firm can
perfectly hedge the risk by trading freely. Under this assumption we can
describe the company stock price as a diffusion process under the risk-neutral
probability Q.
dSu = (r - q)Sudu + iSudW
· u = t is a time index,
· St = S is the company's stock price at time t,
· r and i are respectively the constant stock's expected
return and volatility under the risk-neutral measure Q,
· q is the constant and continuous proportional dividend
paid by the stock over the time
· W is a Q-Brownian motion defined on the probability space
(Ù, T, (Tu), Q) where Tu is the augmented
a-algebra generated by {W, t = u = 0}
In order to understand how the executive's exercising behaviour
is, the following set of assumptions are made on the holder which are fully
explained in the next section:
· she cannot sell the ESO or perfectly hedge her risk,
· she has a risk-preference described by an utility
function U depending on her risk aversion,
· she is subject to employement termination risk which
is associated to an employement termination time denoted by ôë.
ôë is a stopping time assumed to be exponentially
distributed with a constant intensity À. Moreover, it is assumed that
the job termination intensity is identical under measure P and Q. These
assumptions reflect the non-predictability's feature of the employment
termination time in the firm and the unpriced risk which is associated to the
job termination.
In that way, there are two possibilities:
1. if the stock price reaches the utility-maximizing boundary
then the holder exercises her option,
2. otherwise the holder exercises her option at the maturity or
after leaving the company in the case where the option is in-the-money.
Subsequently, it can be deduce that the expected cost of
issuing an ESO is equal to the no-arbitrage price of the barrier-type call
option written on the underlying stock S with a Strike price and a maturity
which respectively are K and T. The idea here is that the barrier of the option
is simply the executive's optimal exercise boundary.
From the firm perspective, we are face on three possibilities:
1. the expected cost of a vested option which is exercised when
the stock price reached the optimal boundary defined by the holder's
2. the expected cost of a vested option which is exercised by
the holder who are leaving the company. In that case, the job termination
arrives before the stock price reached the optimal boundary and the holder have
to exercise her option immediatly,
3. the expected cost of an unvested option which mean that the
holder leaves the company before the vesting period ends. In that case, the ESO
is forfeited.
In a way is it possible to cut the expected cost in two part:
1. the expected cost of a vested option C(t,S) is descibed on
the equation (70),
2. the expected cost of an unvested option C(t,S) is
descibed on the equation (71).
Suppose that:
· the vesting period is tv,
· the job termination time is 7À,
· the optimal stopping time is 7*
· ?t = tv the sock price St = S.
Then the cost C(t,S) of the vested ESO is given by:
iC(t, S) = E h e_r(ô*/ôÀ_t) x
(Sô*/ôÀ -- K)+ | ST = s = E
h e_(r+À)(ô*_t) x (S ô* -- K)+ +
R ô*
t e_(r+
i (70)
À)(u_t) x ë(Su -- K)+du | ST =
And the cost C(t,S) of the unvested ESO is:
C(t, S) = E [e_r(tv_t) x C(tv,
Sv)I{ôÀ>tv} | ST = s] (71)
So if we assume that the holder is rational then we can define
two regions R1 and R2 where option cannot be exercised optimally:
1. R1={(t,S):tv <t<T,0<S<S* t
2. R2 = {(t,S) :0 <t<tv,0< S}
Where S* t defined the executive's exercise boundary.
Through equation (70) and by taking into account the
infinisetimal generator of S under the risk-neutral measure Q the cost of a
vested ESO solves the follwing PDE:
?C ç2 2 s2 ?2C
+ ?s2 +(r--q)s ?C ?s --(r+ë)C+ë(s--K)+ =0
With the following boundary conditions:
? ?
C(t,0)=0, tv <t<T
C(t, s*) = (s*(t) -- K)+,
tv < t < T C(T,S) = (s--K)+, 0<s <
And the cost C(t,S) of the unvested ESO solves:
C(t,S) ç2 2 s2 ?2 C(t, S)
?s2 + (r -- q)s? C(t, S)
+ ?s --(r+ë)C(t,S) =0 (73)
With the following boundary conditions:
C(t, 0) = 0, 0 < t <
C(tv,s)=C(tv,s), s=0 5.7 The
effects of parameters
Symetrically to the Executive's side we are going to discuss
about the effects of parameters from the firm side.
We have found that B & S price for the option dominates
the fair-value found in our model. It can be interesting to show this property
regarding the firm side. Let us introduce this part by the effect of job
termination risk intensity.
5.7.1 The job termination risk intensity
It is intuitive that more the Executive is risk-averse less can
be the ESO cost. The following proposition gives a formal framework.
Proposition 5.5. Let À1, À2 2 job termination
risk intensity parameters such that 0 < À1 < À2. Then the
ESO cost relative to À2 is dominated by the ESO cost relative to
À1 which is dominated by the B 4 S cost.
Cë2 <Cë 1 <CB&S (74)
Proof. see Appendix.
5.7.2 The vesting period
Ituitively the vesting period restrains the Executive's risk
averse behaviour. Indeed more the lenght of the vesting period less it is
costly for the Executive to wait a little more before exercising her option.
The extreme case is that the lenght of the vesting period is until the ESO
maturity and in this such case the ESO is no more no less an European call
option. So we have to prove that higher is the lenght of the vesting period
higher the expected cost to th firm. Formally speaking we have the following
Proposition 5.6. Leung 4 Sircar
Let À = q = 0, then the ESO expected cost to the firm is
non-decreasing with respect to the lenght of the vesting period.
Moreover the cost is dominated by the Black-Scholes price of an
European Call written on the company stock with the same strike and
Proof. see Appendix.
In fact the firm is confronted to the following trade-off:
maintain the incentives effects of the ESO to the Executive by imposing the
highest possible vesting period but minimize the cost of issuing it by reducing
the lenght of the vesting period.
During this dissertation we have described how can be valuated
an ESO. Risk-aversion, vesting period and job termination risk have been
incorporated in the models in order to describe accurately the behaviour of the
ESO holder.
From the Fundamental Investment Problem to the Leung &
Sircar model we have defined what can be the optimal portfolio choice of an
Executive endowed by one unit of ESO. But by the tractability argument we have
restricted this analysis to the case of exponential utility. A general case can
outperform our approach however the case of power utility could been seen in
the literature.
The case of multiple ESO has not been seen during this
dissertation while it is a huge intensive research area. The paper of Leung
& Sircar dedicates a part on this case. It can be said that contrary to the
standard American option theory, the ESO's exercising is not made
simultaneously but through multiple blocks depending on different critical
price level.
Also, discrete models such that Hull & White (2004) which
is one of the most popular models have not been discussed here. The Hull &
White model is a compliance valuation method according to the US Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 123 standard. They propose a modified
binomial tree method to estimate the value of ESOs and assumed that a vested
option is exercised whenever the stock price hits a certain constant barrier,
or when the option reaches maturity. As the Cvitanic, Wiener and Zapatero
(2004) model seen here the exact value of the barrier is left as a free
parameter but in continuous time.
This dissertation have described the main aspects of the ESO
valuation methods and showed that B & S model is not fit to price a such
exotic option.
In reality, hedging and trading constraints are imposed to the
ESO holder. We have seen that with an undiversified portfolio and
risk-aversion, the rational Executive have to exercise her option early. That
explain what can be seen empirically.
But other extensions can be exposed such that the case of
stochastic volatility. We can thought that the Executive can influence the
stock price only on the stock price volatility. This problem can be linked to
the standard Principal-Agent problem where for the Executive making an effort
is costly. Thus solving the standard Principal-Agent allows to find an optimal
choice for her where the effort can be focused on the stock price volatility.
This approach could reveal the trade-off between minimizing costly effort and
maximizing the ESO value.
So we can assess the huge field of the ESO valuation methods
which cannot definitely be summarized in this dissertation and which will be
most probably an extensive research area for the next years.
A Proofs
A.1 Proof (1):
A utiliy function belong in the Hara class if T(x) =-Uxx(x)
Ux(x) = 1
á+âx,?x E D(x) and 3 E R+.
There are 2 cases:
1. If 3 = 0 then > 0;
2. If3>0then ER. Where U x(x) = dU(x) dx
and Uxx(x) = d2U(x)
dx2and D(x) is the interval on which the utility
function U is
'y2 e-ãx.
For U(x) = -e-ãx with 'y> 0, we
get Ux(x) = 'ye-ãx and
Uxx(x) = -
Then T(x) =?(?ã2e-ãx)
ãe-ãx = 'y
therefore T(x) = 1
ã +0with = 1 ã >0 and 3 = 0.
Since 3 = 0 we get D(x) = R and U is finite valued for all x.

Thanks to Arrow and Pratt we know the economics interpretation of
T(x) as the coefficient of absolute risk aversion which in our case is constant
and positive.
A.2 Proof General Investment Problem(17): Proof: Given (P):
? ??
I(t,X) = sup
dXè u = {9u(u - r) + rX} du + 9uódW u
E [U(XT = -e?ãXT | Xt = x]
To solve this problem we are using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
method. 1st step: Write the Hamiltonian of the system (P):
H(u,p,q) = p{9u(u-r)+rX}+ 1
2q(9uó)2 (76)
Then we maximize H under Èt,T:
H* = max H
?H ?è |è=è* = 0 if q < 0 by
concavity assumption
p(u - r) + qó29* = 0 if q < 0 by
concavity assumption
9* = -p
ó2 if q < 0 by concavity assumption
Then we deduce H*:
H* = prX - p2 q ((u-r
ó )2 + q 2ó2(-p q )2(u-r
ó )2 if q < 0 by concavity assumption
H* = prX - 1 p2 q (u-r
ó )2 if q < 0 by concavity assumption
2st step: Then we can write now the HJB of the system (P):
????? ?
????? Where ?I
I(T, X) = U(XT) = -e?ãXT (Terminal Condition)
?u + H*( ?I
?I ?X , ?2I
?u = Iu and ?I
?X2 , u) = 0
?X = IX = p, ?2I
?X2 = IXX = q (77)
3rd step: We assume that I(u,X) has the following form:
I(u, X) = --e-a(u)7X+â(u) (78)
with the following boundary constraints:
f á(T) = 1
1 0(T) = 0
4th step: We solve the HJB system:
{ Iu = --(--ÿáãX +
IX = --(--á(u)ã)e
IXX = --(--á(u)ã)2 e-a(u)7X+â(u)
And the HJB is written as:
,a_.,2e-2(árã X +â)
(ÿárãX --
árãe-a7X+â)rX 7) (p-n2
2(a7re-áãX-Ef3 0
?ÿáã X -- 0ÿ+
áãr X + 21 (u;r
)2 = 0
By divided all members of the equation by
e?a7X+â which is non negative on IR. So we have the following
ÿáãX + áãrX = 0
-- 0ÿ= 0
+ 2 ( ó
á(T) = 1 boundary condition
0(T) = 0 boundary condition
áÿ = --ár
0ÿ= 12(u-r
á(T) = 1 boundary condition
0(T) = 0 boundary condition
á(u) = er(T-u)
= (T--u) ( u-r
2 ó )2
I(u, X) = --e-7xer(T-.)e- (T2.) (
m-ró)2 (79)
5th step: We deduce è* the optimal trading
è* u
= --
u-- r ó2
u-- r ó2
= á(u1)ã
u-- r ó2
(u-- r) = e
-r(T-u) (80)
I(u, X, S) = sup sup
ô ?T.,T et,.
= sup sup
ô?T.,T et,.
1Y [I(ô, Xô + (Sô --
K)+) | Xu = X, Su = s
1P[--e-7(Xô+(Sô-K)+)er(--)em-ró,2 I ) I
Xu = X,Su = s

A.3 Proof proposition (4.4)
The Private Price satisfies the following variational
{ }
-pt - Lp + rp + 1
min 2'y(1 - ñ2 )ç2s2er(T
-t)p 2 s + 'y À
(e?ã(s-K)+er(T -t)eãper(T -t) -
1), p - (s - K)+= 0
Let p1(t, s) and p2(t, s) be the indifference prices associated
with À1 and À2 respectively.
Since the coefficient of À is non-negative, the left-hand
side is non-decreasing with À. Then, substituting p2 (t, s) into the
variational inequality for p1 (t, s) will render the left-hand side less than
or equal to zero. Therefore, p2 (t, s) is a subsolution to the variational
inequality for p1 (t, s), so p2 (t, s) < p1 (t, s). We conclude from (58)
that the optimal exercise time corresponding to À1 is longer than or
equal to that corresponding to À2, which implies that the
utility-maximizing boundary corresponding to À1 dominates that
corresponding to À2.

A.4 Proof proposition (4.5)
We consider the variational inequality in the previous
proposition (82). The p2 s term is non-decreasing with 'y. Differentiating the
nonlinear term with respect to 'y, we get:
nÀ 1 + ö(t,s)eö(t,s) -
eö(t,s)} = 0
With ö(t, s) := 'y(p(t, s) - (s -
K+))er(T-t) = 0.Hence, the nonlinear term is
also non-decreasing with 'y. By comparison principle, this implies the
indifference price p is non-increasing with 'y. The second assertion follows
from the characterization of the optimal exercise time see equation
A.5 Proof proposition (4.6)
We consider the variational inequality 82. Since á >
0 and ps = 0, the ps term is non-decreasing in ñ.
Therefore, p+ is a subsolution to the variational inequality for p-, so p+
<p-. The last statement in the proposition follows from (58) and that p- =

A.6 Proof proposition (4.7)
When the hedging instrument has a positive Sharpe ratio, the
employee would prefer a negative correlation
than a positive one. As the
correlation becomes even more negative, the employee can hedge more
away. Consequently, the employees indifference price increases and he
tends to wait longer before exercise.
A.7 Proof proposition (5.5)
This proof have been stated by Leung & Sircar. We first
consider the value of a vested ESO. Define the operator L1 such that:
L1C1 = Ct + (r - q)sCs + ç2 2 sCss -
(r + À)C + À(s - K)+
Let À1,À2 be the intensity levels such
that 0 < À1 < À2. Let Ci(t, s) and ô* i be the cost
of a vested ESO and optimal exercise time corresponding to Ài?i E {1,
By the Partial Differential Equation of the vested ESO
equation(70), we have:
L1C1 = 0. Due to the Q-submartingale property of
{ers(Ss - K)+}s=0 we have Ci(t, s) = (s - K)+.
Consequently, direct substitution shows that L2C2 = 0.
Next, we apply Itos formula to the function:
Z t
V (t, St) = e(r+ë1)tC2(t, St) +
e-(r+ë1)sÀ1(Ss - K)+ds
Then due to L2C2 = 0 and from the proposition (1.2) , the
following holds for any ô = t:
E t,s [V(ô, Sô)] = V(t, St)

In particular, we take r = r* 2 < r* 1then we
" Z ô*
C2(t, s) < EQ e(r+ë1)(ô* 2 _t)C2(r*
2 , Sô* 2 ) +
e_(r+ë1)(s_t)ë1(Ss - K)+ds
= EQ e_r(ô* 2 ?ôÀ1
_t)(Sô* 2 ?ôÀ1 - K)+] t,s
< EQ e_r(ô* 1
?ôÀ1_t)(S ô* 1 ?ôÀ1 - K)+] t,s
< C1(t,s)

A.8 Proof proposition (5.6)
Let 0 < a < b < T. Denote by r* a , r* b the
employees exercise time when the vesting periods are a and b years
respectively. Then, we have r * a <r * b < T. Since the discounted payoff
process {ers(Ss - K)+}s=0 is a Q-submartingale it follows
from proposition (1.2) that:
h h e_r(T _t)(ST _K)+]
EQ e_r(ô* a _t)(Sô*
a _K)+] b _K)+] h
< EQ e_r(ô* b _t)(Sô* <
t,s t,s t,s
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